Page 28 of Deep Within Me
Again, the video fell silent.
“Show her what?” Carreon growled, wanting the man to speak.
Munez’s voice continued finally. “Come back.”
“What are you doing?” Zeke’s voice asked. “What’s happening? She’s gone. There was no pulse. She can’t be healed. Why are you doing this?”
“Because I love her too,” Munez said. “I have to bring her back.”
Chapter Five
Nude and well loved, Liz lay at Zeke’s side on his bed, one hand curled near her chest, the other resting on his belly.
The tips of her fingers and palm were wonderfully warm, the weight of her hand proving to him that she still existed…she lived. There shouldn’t have been any doubt. Even so, each breath she took seemed a continuing miracle to Zeke. He fought an urge to gather her closer, as if that would convince him everything was all right and would continue to be so.
Hours earlier, he’d battled his doubt by not allowing her a moment’s peace from his insatiable desire, somehow believing that his love alone could restore her to what she had once been.
No, dammit—what she still is.
Uncertainty pressed in on him again. Zeke shoved it away, forcing his thoughts to return to what he’d shared with her.
After having taken her in the tub, he’d helped Liz to her feet but didn’t direct her out of it. “Drape your arms over your head.”
“Why?” she’d murmured.
In answer, Zeke nuzzled his face to her neck. Her skin was moist, slightly salty, and oh so soft. He suckled it gently. She moaned in pleasure. He whispered, “You ask too many questions.”
“Sorry…but why?”
“I have no idea. You’re probably too curious.”
She laughed softly, the sound mingling with the water gurgling around their knees. “No, I mean, why do you want me to hold my arms over my head? Do you have any idea how heavy they are?”
A thread of fear ran through him then, chasing away his previous arousal and contentment, making his skin prickle. He recalled how she’d fallen asleep or passed out in the Jeep.
“Have they always been that way?” he’d blurted. “Are they heavier than usual now?”
She regarded him as though he were nuts. “What?”
Zeke pushed back his panic and tried to sound reasonable. “Are you tired from your orgasm?”
“Yeah…aren’t you?”
He should have been. However, his passion for her, his fear that she’d somehow disappear, leaving him alone, kept Zeke far too alert. Without her, he couldn’t exist, would refuse to go on. Earlier, Zeke had been more than willing to leave his people and this stronghold forever if it meant staying at her side. Away from here, he’d had no idea where they might have gone or how he could have protected her from Carreon before they reached their ultimate destination. However, he would have moved heaven and earth to do so. “I’m fine.”
“Good.” She sagged against him, her body dewy and warm from plumes of steam rising from the tub. She made a throaty sound that any man would interpret as satisfaction.
Smiling, he wrapped his arm around her waist, holding on to her as he leaned down to get the soap.
Liz brushed her lips over his shoulder and suckled it briefly then asked, “What are you doing?”
“Bathing you.” Once he’d worked up sufficient lather that smelled faintly of lime, he ran his soapy hands down her back, not stopping until he’d reached her ass. He cupped her cheeks in his hands, separating them, and ran his slick forefingers over her anus.
Her breath caught.
“Good?” he murmured.
She clutched his biceps and whimpered in response.