Page 55 of Deep Within Me
Zeke’s expression grew pained, perhaps from sorrow, jealousy, or a mixture of the two. He spoke on a sigh. “She needs both of us.”
Liz shook her head. “What are you talking about?”
“You refuse to stop healing,” Zeke accused. He approached so quickly, Liz stepped back without thinking. Zeke loomed over her, his masculinity heightened by his anger. “Nothing your father or I say makes a difference, does it?”
Liz rested her hand on his chest. His heart drummed fiercely, further betraying his frustration and worry. “How can I stop what I was born to do when someone’s life is at risk?”
“What about your own?” he countered.
“If anything happens to me, my father can—”
“No, he can’t,” Zeke interrupted. “He doesn’t know what his power will do. I might lose you forever.” He grabbed her arms and pulled her into him, burying his face in her hair. Anguish laced his words. “Don’t you know that would kill me? Don’t you fucking care?”
Oh, Zeke.Liz wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek against his shoulder. As she spoke, her breath puffed against his tee. “How can you even think that? I’m doing thisfor you. What if you’re injured?” She moaned at the thought and held him even tighter. “What if you’re killed? Do you think I could stand by and do nothing? Do you actually believe I’d want to save myself?”
Swearing beneath his breath, Zeke hugged her so hard Liz could scarcely breathe. Then, as if he’d made a decision, he released her and stepped back. His eyes were shiny.
Jacob stood to the side, looking lost.
Zeke cleared his throat then said, “When you healed me and Jacob, you poured your life force into us. I don’t know how your gift works. I wish to fuck I did. But I’ve been thinking that the part of you we have inside of us—what allowed us to heal—can hopefully be returned to you. It can somehow undo what the reanimation changed.”
“What?” Jacob blurted.
“It’s all we have,” Zeke said to his brother. “What if her father’s gift stops working on her? What if it’s too strong and does more damage than good? They’re related— so sharing the same genetic material might also be a problem. I don’t know for certain. And I sure as hell don’t want to risk finding out that her father’s healing power killed Liz without any possibility of him bringing her back. We have to do this.”
Clearly bewildered, Jacob shook his head. “Do what?”
“Make love to me,” Liz answered. “Get as deep inside of me as you can. Return to me what I gave to you.”
Surprise and naked desire registered on Jacob’s face, followed quickly by apprehension. He regarded his brother as though he expected an argument from him because Liz had guessed wrong and there would be another fight over her.
Zeke spoke softly. “I don’t know what else to do. Liz needs your help.”
She could see that Zeke believed as much. Never had he appeared as torn. He didn’t want to share her. She’d knownthat shortly after she’d healed Jacob. However, Zeke was willing to do this to make certain no harm came to her. That if she continued to challenge him and saved anyone, she wouldn’t risk her life.
Jacob looked more uncertain than Liz felt. “You’re sure about this? What you’re asking me to do.”
Zeke nodded.
“What about you?” Jacob asked Liz. Doubt made him even more hesitant. Gone was the cocky warrior who’d demanded she pleasure him, who’d played at sex and love. He was a man who didn’t know where he belonged, what place he had in her life—if he had any at all.
“I know you don’t love me,” he said, filling the growing silence before she could. “Just seeing how you look at Zeke tells me what you feel for him. That’s okay. Nothing I can do about it.” He looked past her as though it pained him to have admitted that and to meet her gaze. “But do you at least like me a little? It doesn’t have to be a lot. I’m not expecting or even hoping for that. Just a—”
“Jacob.” She’d spoken his name gently so he’d stop. She ached for him, her sympathy mixed with tenderness she’d never be able to deny. Leaving Zeke’s side, she went to Jacob and cupped his face in her hands so he had to look at her.
Longing and despair shone in his eyes.
Oh, baby.Liz ran her thumbs over his cheeks, feeling the rasp of his coming beard, enjoying how male it felt. “You’re wrong. I like you so damn much.” Especially when he wasn’t putting on an act to try to compete with his brother. When he allowed himself to be the man he really was…gentle and kind. “I always have.”
He swallowed. “You’re sure?”
“I’ll prove it to you if you let me.”
Jacob glanced past her at Zeke. All the previous times Jacob had wanted her, Zeke had made certain to stand in his brother’s way.
Not now. He joined them, sandwiching her body between his and Jacob’s.
Liz’s belly fluttered at their size and scents, the warmth radiating from their skin.