Page 79 of Deep Within Me
“Do you want me to play it back for you?” Paul asked Isabel.
She regarded Zeke and said, “Kele’s also gone.”
Jacob made a pained sound.
“She died protecting her clan, her people,” Zeke said, fury lacing his words. “Not this stronghold. Not the damned land. People matter, nothing else. I’ll fight for my kind too, those I love. And I’ll win.”
What was he talking about? What was going on between him and Isabel? Liz glanced from Zeke to the woman.
She nodded once as though to say she’d heard or believed what he’d said then left the room.
“What was that about?” Liz asked.
“Nothing.” Zeke hugged her hard. “Everything’s all right,” he promised, “just stay in this room. Don’t leave without me.” He watched her for a moment as though making certain she’d obey then went back to his men.
Liz watched them as her worry moved from Isabel to Diaz. Where was he? Had the young woman and Carreon’s lieutenant seen him when they’d left the strip club? Had they taken Diaz prisoner? Was Roberto torturing him for information on this stronghold or threatening to kill Pedro if Diaz didn’t talk?
Oh please, not that.
Liz covered her mouth with her hand, quieting her whimper. Zeke glanced over, checking on her. He seemed to have aged several years in the last hours. Liz wanted to tell him she was all right, at least physically, but couldn’t manage it.
She sat next to Jacob and rubbed his back. He grieved quietly over Kele, having loved her in the end, even if it wasn’t in the way she’d needed.
Liz prayed Kele hadn’t suffered, that she was with her parents now. At peace and safe at last.Be happy, please,she thought and fingered tears from her cheeks.
More time fled by. Liz had no idea how much. Men came into the room then left, only to return later. Everyone looked bone tired, but no one slept.
Was it dawn yet?
“Hey,” Paul suddenly shouted from the hall. “They’re back and headed this way.”
Liz exchanged a look with Zeke and Jacob.
“Kele’s back?” Jacob hollered, his tone incredulous and hopeful.
“Diaz and the boy,” Paul called out.
Zeke left the room immediately, followed by several of his men. When Liz tried to follow, Ike stood in her way. “Zeke wants you to stay in here.”
“I need to heal Pedro.”
“You’re not leaving,” Ike said. He was a mountain of a man, his determination as powerful as his physical strength.
Liz backed away from him and paced the length of the room.
Jacob pushed back in his chair. “This is all my fault.”
“No, it’s not,” she said.
“If I’d only given Kele what she needed, she wouldn’t have done this, dammit.” He hit the table with his fist. “She wouldn’t be gone.”
“She wouldn’t have been happy either. She would have known your feelings weren’t genuine. It would have been a slow death for her, knowing that pity more than love was behind what you did. Do you honestly believe she would have wanted that?”
He continued to frown even as his shoulders sagged. “I don’t know.”
Oh, Jacob.“Kele did what she wanted to do,” Liz murmured. “What she had to do. In the end, she—”
Footfalls sounded down the hall, stalling Liz’s words.