Page 1 of Sin of the Saints
Chapter One
“Ibaptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, amen.” The Pope completes the prayer and dips my body into the holy water.
Unlike my previous life, I don’t need to take a deep breath before the baptism. I inhale the holy water into my lungs while my head is in the water, filling myself with it. It cleanses me from within, and I send a silent prayer for the sacred angels to show me the way. The way the Pope claims I’ve strayed from while living deep in the bowels of Hell.
The way I lost when Libretto cursed me.
The Pope noted that Ellis found me in almost-critical condition, but God did not demand that I return to Him, perhaps because I’ve not yet completed the calling He gave me, the purpose which I have yet to fulfill.
One last breath to drown the grief, to seal my blackened heart shut. The organ music makes the water tremble, the choir’s chanting fills my still heart. The heavy tombstone slowly closesover me, encompassing me in darkness until I’m swallowed by it. I close my eyes and count the bells ringing.
There are so many of them, they’re so loud, that the water in my tomb quivers and the bass strikes me with paralyzing strength.
Belle smiles and winks at me as she walks into the Demon Academy ballroom.
Belle arches her back as I breathe in her scent and drink her until I’m intoxicated. A memory of the taste of her passion lingers on my tongue like dying embers longing for oxygen, like a bonfire that’s long since died out.
Belle moans my name like a psalm, and I want to give her everything her heart desires. Everything, including my fucking soul.
It’s just me and the haunting remnant of her image.
One hour follows the next. Day after day. Another month, and another.
How long has it been? A year? Who knows, maybe more.
Every day is more of a torment than the last, and I know there’s nothing that can expel the remnants of Belle from my body and soul. She’s seeped into everything.
No exorcism is strong enough to cast her out of my heart.
So I wait patiently.
I wait and wait until we meet again.
I coveted her for myself, and nothing can stop me from claiming her. Even if it consumes me.
Libretto imprisoned me in the castle’s dungeon. Every demon who dared disobey the commands of the Great Dictator is locked up in those cells.
I can’t help wondering if this is what the Devil wants. I mean, if he disagreed, he probably would have summoned Libretto back to him, wouldn’t he? And yet something in me tells me this can’t be how the Father of Demons wishes his army to be treated.
Libretto might be plotting against him, the way I know Lilith ceaselessly plotted against the Devil.What are you, Libretto, and what is your ultimate goal?
The days pass and go by until it feels like I’ve been here forever. It’s my privilege and curse as a creature for whom time holds no meaning. I’m the only one getting meals, but I refuse to feed. I know Libretto is sending me his blood. The scent of it makes the dank air in this place even more rotten. He wants me to drink it, so his blood gradually takes over my body from within, hoping that will get me to give in to him.
He claims the truth is in his blood. I have no intention of testing the accuracy of that claim.