Page 100 of Faking the Shot
He wished he could take her somewhere more private now and have the talk they needed. In those moments when she wasn’t talking with others, Ainsley looked tense, worried, a pleat in her brow that she probably didn’t know was there. He wished he could kiss it away.
“So, Ainsley Beckett and her boyfriend.”
Zac caught the way she stiffened as her co-star side-hugged her. Was that because of the hug or the boyfriend comment?
The man stuck out his hand. “Hey, I’m Harrison Woods.”
Zac shook it. “I know. I’m Zac.”
“I know.” Harrison grinned. “I gotta say, I’m a little surprised you know who I am.”
He wouldn’t be if he knew that Zac had trawled the internet for pictures of Ainsley’s co-stars over the years and compared the video of her kisses with them with the sizzler he’d experienced fourteen days ago.
Cassie James joined Harrison, then shook Zac’s hand too. “It’s good to meet you.”
“You too.”
Ainsley’s shoulders dropped, like she was relaxed with Cassie in a way she wasn’t relaxed with him. What was that about?
Ainsley focused on Cassie. “So, I heard a rumor from Rosie thatAs The Heart Drawswas looking at starting filming a little earlier this year. I figured you’d know more about that.”
“I run the western movie plot at our ranch,” Cassie explained to Zac. “Just in case you didn’t know.”
He nodded. “I do now.”
Cassie turned to Ainsley. “Yeah, I don’t know why Mal wants to do that, but he requested and we said yes. You know we love that show. And not just for the revenue it brings in.”
He watched Ainsley’s face, saw her expression freeze for a second. Then realized this was the show she had once talked about quitting. So this was her friend, whose ranch needed the income of that show. The show that if Ainsley quit might be no more. Poor thing. No wonder she was feeling pressure. He placed a hand on her back.
Ainsley glanced up at him and he offered an encouraging smile.
Her lips tweaked and she leaned into his side. “Um, Cassie, while I’m remembering, do you think it’s possible for Zac’s mom to come visit the set one day while we’re filming the new season?”
“I’m sure we can work something out,” Cassie agreed easily.
“Thanks,” Zac said. “My mom’s a huge fan, so that would make her year.”
More small talk followed, then Harrison eyed Zac. “So, I’m gonna guess you’re a Christian.”
“Because?” What gave it away?
“Because Ainsley here said she’d never date a man who wasn’t one.”
Harrison winked. “I definitely wouldn’t have known if I’d only judged from that kiss that broke the internet.”
“It didn’t break the internet,” Ainsley protested, blushing.
“Oh, it melted a little,” Cassie said.
“And I’m just gonna say that you’re a lucky man, if she’s said yes to you.”
Zac hugged her closer. “I know I’m a lucky man.”
His words fell into one of those silences that made his words sound louder than he’d meant. He glanced across the room, saw Chris and Diana’s concerned faces, saw the others’ smiles. Except for Ainsley, whose smile was wide but wasn’t reflected in her eyes. Had he said something wrong?
He continued to notice her quietness the rest of the evening. Their gathering tonight couldn’t last long, not with most of the Calgary crew with early flights tomorrow, although he’d heard Bree said she was going to see her brother and sister-in-law who lived in Vancouver.