Page 2 of Faking the Shot
“Hi Ainsley.”
“Hi Emmett.”
Two air kisses later, he was smiling at her, like he hadn’t seen her at her parents’ place three days ago for her mom’s birthday. “Now Ainsley, who are you wearing? You look divine.”
“You’re very kind.” She told him about the shoes and the dress designer, taking note to show the special diamond necklace and earrings loaned by one of Vancouver’s glitziest jewelers. Apparently Ryan Reynolds had bought his wife a few pieces from there a time or two.
“And girl, I just love those shoes. You’re like a fairytale princess.”
“Thank you. I feel like one.” She held out a foot, admiring the way the Swarovski crystals glittered in the light. “They’re a little extra compared to what I normally wear, but they fit tonight’s theme perfectly.”
“They sure do. And you’re here with your new co-star Jason Streetley. Jason, welcome. This is your first time at White Night, right Jason?”
“You’re a poet and you know it, huh?”
Ainsley caught the way Emmett’s smile twitched, as it always did when he wasn’t sure whether someone was poking fun at him. He might be a well-known TV reporter, but for as long as she’d known him, he’d never seemed very secure. But then, in their industry, who was? Maybe the Nicoles and Ryans and Cates of this world could afford to be, but most of those she knew working in the TV industry had to walk a careful line of people-pleasing, whether that be TV executives, agents, publicists, or fans. There’d be no telling what might happen to her career as one of North America’s beloved Hallmark actresses if all her secrets were spilled. Real life was apparently a little too real for some.
“And what brings you both to Vancouver’s fundraising night of nights?”
Ainsley gestured to Jason to go first, while she thought through her answer. How to be real, to share something that was real, without getting too personal. Hmm. Maybe by sharing about the experience of a co-star rather than her own family’s lived pain.
“And Ainsley?”
“I think caring about domestic violence is hugely important, and most of us are probably unaware that we know people who often suffer in silence, who live with the effects of this insidious scourge in our society.” People like poor Brenda, the stuntwoman fromAs The Heart Draws, who might be one of the toughest women Ainsley knew but had suffered just the same. “Raising money to support victims of domestic abuse is vital to helping them find a fresh start, and if my presence here tonight can help shine a little bit of attention on this issue, then I’m happy to be here.”
“Well said.”
She nodded, thinking back to the little girl’s comments from before. “I think those of us here can sometimes forget that we have eyes on us, and people who can sometimes want to emulate us. So that’s why when it comes to supporting an issue like this, I feel it’s important to be an example and an influence.” And if it meant one less woman had to suffer as her grandmother had, then she’d happily never eat a full meal again.
Emmett’s dark eyes held empathy as he nodded. “So Ainsley, onto lighter matters now, can you tell us anything more about your new Hallmark project or the upcoming season ofAs The Heart Draws?”
“I’d love to.”
Her cheeks pushed wider as she smiled, then proceeded to tell his viewers all that she’d told him three nights ago, or at least all that their media releases allowed for: a fun new contemporary Christmas mysteries series with a splash of romance with Jason. Then she shared a little about the beloved historical drama where she’d first found fame, filmed on Three Creek Ranch in Alberta, with Harrison Woods as her Mountie hero. “He’s really settled in well with the cast and crew, so I can’t wait for viewers to see him in this upcoming season.”
“Harrison isn’t here tonight, is he?”
“I don’t believe so.” He’d blown it off for a special wedding anniversary dinner for his girlfriend’s parents. God bless Cassie and Harrison, a classic case of opposites attract if ever she’d seen one. Not that she wanted her opposite. Someone who understood the pressures of fame would be nice.
“Well, among all the other celebrities here tonight, I’m sure we’ll cope.”
She nodded, smiling wide. Tonight’s benefit was playing host to scores of movie and music and sports stars. Not that she’d recognize any of the latter.
Emmett pushed the microphone in Jason’s direction. “And you’re filming the first of several new Christmas mystery TV movies nearby at Thetis Island, I understand.”
“It’s a beautiful location, and we’re really excited to see these stories come to life.”
“That’s great. Well, I hope you have fun tonight.” Emmett’s smile when he turned to Ainsley relaxed into something approaching more genuine. “It’s good to see you again Ainsley.”
“You too.”
The man might hold very different values to her, but as he’d been her brother’s closest friend for several years, she couldn’t deny the man cared.
Two more air kisses and a hug later, they were released, only for Ainsley to be beckoned by the Glam Guru. “Ainsley, darling, you look sensational as ever. Loving those heels, just like Cinderella. Who are you wearing?”
She told him, then he asked for her to pose for his special high-speed camera that zoomed in fast but captured images in slow motion. “Now, give us a toss out.”
She picked up her heavy skirt and tossed what she could to one side. “Like that?”