Page 82 of Faking the Shot
Ainsley’s heart clenched. He said that like they would continue, and weren’t breaking up in February.
Sue sighed. “I don’t want to be selfish, especially on Christmas Day.”
“I really do appreciate your hospitality, Mrs. Parotti,” she said.
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?” Sue hugged her, then drew back, eyeing Ainsley seriously. “Tell me you won’t break my son’s heart?”
Ainsley swallowed. How to answer this? She couldn’t exactly say they’d made a pact to not fall for each other. That might be honest, but wasn’t wise to say right now. But she could say, “I care about him very much.”
* * *
She cared about him?
Zac’s heart glowed. The way she looked at him, treated him, had showed that a million times. She cared for him and he cared for her, and—
“You make me so happy to hear that.” His mom kissed Ainsley’s cheeks. “He’s a good boy, even if he’s always loved that hockey a little too much. It’s about time he settled down.”
“Aw, come on. I can tell you think she’s special. I see it in your eyes.”
His cheeks heated. He had to get them out of here. Pronto. “We need to go.”
She winked at him, then squeezed him too, murmuring, “She’s the one, huh?”
Yes.He stilled. But he couldn’t admit that to her. “We’re running late.”
“I don’t want you to miss your family,” she said to Ainsley. “It’s been very nice to meet you.”
“You too, Mrs. Parotti, Mr. Parotti.”
“It’s Sue and Tony,” his dad said gruffly.
“Thanks for making my boy think about something other than hockey.” His mom winked at him again.
Ainsley’s cheeks were pink as she smiled nervously and farewelled the others.
By the time they were in the car, he felt a similar wash of embarrassment. They were quiet as he reversed then turned the car around, and he drove toward Coquitlam where her parents lived.
He peeked across, caught her snatching a glance at him. Then her giggle drew his laughter.
“Your poor mom. She really likes the show, doesn’t she?”
“You’ve got no idea.”
“Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea now.”
“You know you don’t have to set up a tour of the ranch.”
“I don’t mind. I’ll be talking to Cassie in a couple of weeks anyway. It’s just going to be a little awkward, considering…”
Considering they weren’t necessarily going to be “together” in the future. If she had her way. “How about we cross that bridge when we come to it?”
She heaved out a breath. “Okay.”
It was dark by the time they arrived at her parents’. He greeted Benson again, shook Ainsley’s mom’s hand, then met Mack her brother, and his man-friend Emmett.
Emmett. Who looked awfully like that entertainment reporter who’d been at the gala all those weeks ago.