Page 89 of Faking the Shot
“He told you that, did he?”
She shrugged. “Words to that effect.”
“Honestly, Ainsley. Sometimes I think you’ve spent so much time living in fictional romance land that you can’t recognize real love when it’s right in front of you.”
“It’s not real. Zac and I, we’re not—no.”
“No?” His eyebrow arched.
“No! I told him not to fall for me, and I’m trying not to do the same.”
“Taking some effort, is it?”
She swallowed.
“When do you next see him?”
She sighed. “He’s away for two games then has a party I’m attending with him for New Year’s Eve.”
“Where you might have a midnight countdown.”
“And a kiss.”
“Oh! I didn’t think about that.”
“Hmm. Well, you might want to consider that. And consider just how convincing you want this couple thing to appear.”
The yacht clubthey’d passed on their bike ride weeks ago was the venue for tonight’s New Year’s Eve party. She was glad because it gave her time to change in her apartment after the game, then Zac picked her up, and she saw him for the first time in five days. They’d texted and talked, but she hadn’t stayed after tonight’s game, conscious time was of the essence. Conscious too of Mack’s comment, that she hadn’t been able to forget. But this was fake, this wasn’t real. Zac’s words when he’d given her the necklace reinforced that. He’d only given her the necklace because a guy like him had to keep up appearances, especially with a girl like her. That was all. Wasn’t it?
The music drifting from the function room suggested the party was hopping. “You ready?” Zac asked once he’d parked.
He smiled, but didn’t get out. “Have I told you it’s really good to see you?”
She laughed. “A few times.”
“That’s because it’s really good to see you.”
When his gaze softened like that, she was inclined to think the man had had acting lessons of his own. Sometimes he was entirely too convincing.
They exited, entered, and she handed off her coat to an attendant. Zac whistled when he saw her dress. The red number was a little brighter than what she normally wore, but Trudi had assured her she’d stand out in photos. And considering the color palette of the other ladies here, she probably would. Oh well. At least the snug fit wouldn’t reveal too many lumps and bumps. She’d barely eaten since Mack’s comment four days ago, as nerves made themselves felt.
Zac’s gaze dipped to her neckline, where his gift lay. “You wore it.” His voice was soft.
“Of course I did.”
He smiled, and his expression stole away her desire to remind him to keep things professional. They couldn’t very well do that here, not when the point was to convince people they were very much a couple.
Diana and Chris joined them. Diana looked Ainsley over and smiled. “It’s a good thing I was never in the contest for best-dressed woman at these things, otherwise I’d be crushed at being forced to give up my crown.”
“Is it too much?”
“Not if you’re Zac Parotti’s girlfriend.” Diana winked.