Page 97 of Faking the Shot
More howls of laughter, amid some protests.
Clearly he needed the attention drawn away from him. “Congratulations, Ryan. When are you planning the big day?”
“He says that like he wants to avoid a clashing date,” Franklin murmured, loud enough so everyone could hear.
“Nothing’s settled, but you’re all invited when it is. Although I’d be happy to elope to Vegas tomorrow.”
“Mmm. That’d be warmer than Edmonton this time of year.”
“All times of year,” Doug smirked.
“Hannah and I wondered about doing something like that,” Franklin said. “But it was good to have family and friends at our wedding last year.”
“I’m real happy for you, Ryanator,” Chris said. “But I have to confess, I’m kind of surprised that you didn’t pop the question, Luc.”
“Come on. Bailey and I have only been going out a few months.”
“You don’t want to rush the man,” Mike said. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
“Yeah, no offense, but not everyone wants to be as slow as you,” Doug said. “Karlsson might’ve told me a thing or two about you and Bree.” He winked.
Mike and Brent Karlsson were best buddies, so Zac could just imagine what Brent might’ve spilled.
“Is Bailey doing anotherDance Off Canadaseason?” Tom asked.
Luc nodded. “That’s also kind of why I didn’t want to say anything yet. She’s got her tour happening soon, so I figured I’d wait until Valentine’s Day.”
“To pop the question?” Ryan asked.
“You guys are not allowed to say anything, okay?”
“Lips are sealed.”
“They better be.” Luc pointed at them. “I know where most of you live.”
“Most, not all.” Doug winked.
But Zac had tuned out, the conversation stirring a reminder.
Valentine’s Day. The day that Ainsley had said their arrangement would end. The day he hoped he could turn this arrangement real.
If she was talking to him by then, that is.
“Aunty Win.”
“How are you, darling girl?”
Ainsley bit back a sigh. Her aunt didn’t need to hear about all of Ainsley’s troubles. “I’m fine. But it’s you I most want to know about.”
Her aunt laughed softly. “Well, that’s funny, because I’d much rather talk about you, and how you are doing.”
“I guess we’re at a stalemate, then.” Ainsley pushed a smile into her voice.
Aunty Win’s voice sounded thinner than the last time they’d talked. When Mom had called, she’d said Win had received some disappointing news. And as much as Ainsley didn’t want to know the truth of what that might involve, this was one reality she couldn’t afford to ignore.
“You go first, Ainsley. I want some good news to cheer me up.”