Page 54 of Draco (The King)
In the end, they all agreed to give Jeni one opportunity to save me. So she wrote a new story in the Book of Memories. And while I remained asleep, King observed inside my head, watching what I would do if given a choice. Even after my family had stabbed me in the back and I lost the woman I loved, I had not become what they feared. I’d changed my fate even after being convinced it was impossible.
I owed it to Piper, of course, but therein lay the question. If she was the reason I chose a different path, what would happen in real life? Piper had been part of another dream. I missed her and loved her, but it wasn’t real.
“I told you, Draco,” my mother had said, “I only retold the story I saw when you were a baby. It was the future, exactly as I saw it playing out. I simply left the ending up to you.”
“How can you be so sure this new path will lead me to make the right choice again?” Because I was not about to repeat certain mistakes, while other events in my dreams would never take place. For example, King would not attempt to kill me. Therefore, I would not take his powers. I would not be looking for answers about my past or meet with Ten Club. Most of all, I was no longer filled with rage or bitterness. Everything would be different.
She had smiled. “Draco, haven’t you learned anything? The ending is up to you, and now you know exactly what kind of man you are.” Good. I was good. Just like Piper had said.
The café door chimed, and two women entered. One of them had on a floral pink scarf, overalls, and low-top Converse. Her dirty-blonde hair hung in a beautiful mess around her oval face. And her hazel eyes were bloodshot, like she’d been crying all night.
Her friend Conni sat across from her and began rattling on about some man named Steve. But then it happened. Piper looked up at me, and our eyes locked.
Like a warm spike to the heart, I felt the connection, the unavoidable intertwining of our souls.
Unable to stop myself from smiling and laughing with happiness—so as not to alarm her—I got up and left. I had no intention of repeating the future my mother had shared, except for the part where I was my own man, in love with a good woman.
Sitting at the kitchen table, I was typing up comments on a student’s paper when the doorbell rang. It hadn’t been an easy few days, but there was work to do, and at least Leo had finally come home from his night of blowing off steam.
“Leo! You got that?” A moment passed, but I didn’t hear him respond. “Leo? Honey?”
The doorbell rang again.
I got up and walked down the main hall. I passed Leo’s study, finding him snoring away on his sofa.
“Okay.” I shut the door and went to see who was out front.
I peeked through the sidelight. In this neighborhood, we had our fair share of everything—political activists, charity workers, and crazy people who wanted to talk about aliens.
On the porch was a man with thick black hair stylishly cut just above his ears. He was tall—maybe six two or three—with broad shoulders. His outfit, an expensive dark suit, said he had money and power and wasn’t afraid to show them off. His eyes were a piercing pale gray, and he was breathtakingly handsome.
Oh! I’ve seen him before. The café!
I unlocked the door and opened it, wondering what he wanted. “Can I help you?”
“Hello. Apologies for the intrusion, but a family member used to own this home, and I was wondering if you are interested in selling. It has some sentimental value for my family.” He tilted his head, his gray eyes twinkling.
What a happy man. Must be very successful.
“Getting there,” he said.
“Nothing.” He smiled. “I was about to ask if we’ve met before. You look very familiar.”
“I saw you at that French café this morning.” And I’d probably stared too long. Like now, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. “I’m sorry, though. We aren’t thinking of selling, but…could I get your number? I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about the house and would love to hear what you know.”
He reached into his pocket and produced a business card. “I have extensive records. We can set up a time this week.”
I couldn’t stop smiling at the guy. I felt like I knew him from somewhere besides the café. “I’ll give you a call, then. I’m Piper, by the way.”
I held out my hand, and we shook. Tingles exploded up my arm.
Wow. What was that?
He dipped his head. “You have a lovely afternoon, Piper.” He turned and walked away.