Page 11 of Hunted: Season Two
Kipp thoughtlessly snickers during the rising to his feet while I cheekily snip, “I know which one I can make achemore.”
“Really, Rabbit?” He tosses his keys on the nearest countertop. “Is that anyway to greet the men in your life?”
“Oneof the men in my life.”
The sound of the fridge shutting is followed by the boyfriend who didn’t go to work today strutting across the room to hand him a cold beer. Once it’s in his possession, Nolan grunts, “This.” Kipp flops onto the edge of the couch I still haven’t been near since finding that note. “Thisis a hero’s welcome.”
“And what exactly makes you the hero?” I playfully poke. “You didn’t make me dinner.”
“I brought home the itemstomake you dinner.” He uses the edge of the coffee table to pop off the cap to the glass bottle. “I should at least get partial credit.”
“Giving youanycredit would be a bit of a reach, Mutt.”
“I’ll always take a bit ofreach, Rabbit.”
The cocky wink he shoots me immediately receives a gag. “Why are you like this?”
“Why would you want me any other way?”
His counter unfortunately threatens to make me smirk, something I hide behind another forkful of dinner.
Iwouldn’tever want him to be any other way.
Or The Kid.
They’re perfect for me just the way they are…even if I know I’ll never be what’s right for them.
Because how can I be?
How can being the reason they have blood on their hands and have to look over their shoulders and scrutinize everystranger they come across twice as hard be anything other than a fucking burden?
A literal nightmare.
“Why do your feet hurt?” Kipp cautiously inquires.
“Did a lot of walking.”
“You’re atow truckdriver,” I continue to tease. “That’s a lot ofsitting.”
“But being a boyfriend looking at lumber yards and home improvement stores in between gigs isnot.”
His odd announcement prompts The Kid to investigate further. “What are you trying to build?”
“A bed.” He indulges in another swig. “A newbedroom.” Nolan shrugs prior to toeing off his boots. “Maybe a whole fucking new place? Who knows.” His lack of eye contact during the describing only adds to its warmness. “Whatever y’all want, we’ll do.” The shoes get kicked a short distance away. “I just know that we can’t keep sleepin’ on my tiny ass mattress forever.” Finally, he lets his gaze meet ours again. “My nightstand makes a shitty fuckin’ pillow.”
Kipp lightly chuckles, “Yeah, well, I feel like fucking Hobbs trying to fit into a goddamn Tin Lizzie.”
An additional grunt of amusement escapes Nolan. “You definitely know how to fingerpaint a picture, Kid.”
“Should we put it on the fridge?” Snickers leave our partner, yet a glower graces Kipp’s expression. “What do you think, Mutt?”
“I think you should crawl over here and suck my cock.”
Stopping my teeth from sinking into my bottom lip can’t be done.
“I think she should crawl over here and sit on it.”
Light whimpers bump into my teeth as they seep into the thickening air.