Page 30 of Hunted: Season Two
Becauseonecrazy ex isn’t enough for us to fucking deal with already?
Maybe she’ll just take out her aggression in a more standard nature?
Annoying texts.
Drunk phone calls.
Keying profanity into the side of his truck.
Not that Iwanther to do the last one.
It would just be better than having her physically try to run him off the road or threaten to drive them both off a cliff because onewill notlive without the other.
Except Brad is wrong.
Iwilllive without him.
I just don’t know for how long.
Kipp politely greets the thinning haired individual, “Post.”
“Woods.” He states in return and then flashes me a cordial expression. “Ripley.”
My other boyfriend offers him a small nod of acknowledgment.
“Could we talk for a moment?” One hand slides into his tan pants pocket. “In private?”
“I’ve been advised by my attorney not to speak to anyone regarding this situation or any other law-related ones without him present.”
Post slowly nods his comprehension. “Does that include the desecration of your mother’s grave?”
“What?!” Flying to the edge of his seat is attached to a croaked, “What happened to my mother’s grave?!”
His expression remains unchanged. “Does that include the desecration of your mother’s grave? That’s a felony offence and felonies are-”
“What. Happened. Post?” Nolan coldly punctuates.
The man in charge of the town, releases a heavy, unhappy sigh, “Someone dug it up.”
“What?!” flies out of all three of us.
“Emptied her coffin.”
“Ohmygod!” airily leaves my mouth prior to cupping it.
“Someone stole The Kid’s mother’s fucking corpse?!”
“They did.” His other hand slides inside the empty pocket at the same time he latches his gaze onto Kipp’s once more. “And they also replacedherheadstone withyours.”
Chapter 6