Page 34 of Hunted: Season Two
The Kid’s jaw slightly lowers.
“You had a great mom, Kipp. The type of mom who wouldn’t give a fuck if you won a Grand Prix or the Grandest pig at the local fair as long asyouwere happy. As long asyouwere doing something you gave a shit about.”
His brow crinkles in an almost objective nature.
“That’s why she stood at your door cheering you on in your racecar jammies, chasing your racecar dreams. Because she wanted you to know she would always be there tosupportyou. And her death didn’t change that.” This time I creep closer. Move so that my hip is resting against his. “She’d still want you doin’ whatever it is that makes you fuckin’ happy, not wallowin’ at her grave about some life you didn’t live or some shit that you couldn’t necessarily prevent even if youhadlived that other life.”
Seeing his jaw tremble only pushes me more to continue.
“This shit,” my chin kicks the direction of her grave, “wasn’t your fault. It didn’t happen becauseyousomehow fucked up in life by not chasing those horsepower dreams andnow the Car Gods are unleashing their wrath. Your mom’s grave gettin’ trashed was because some psycho whose mommy probably should’ve told himnomore often is pissed off,you’reprotecting someone who needshelp.Thatyou’reman enough to make sacrifices to guard the woman you love no matter the cost. Andyour motherwouldneverbe disappointed that her son was willin’ to do whatever it took to keephisfamily safe.”
The tears that had halted on the brims of his lids silently fall over.
“She might notloveyou fuckin’ a gearhead old enough to be your dad but…” I playfully cringe to end the sentence.
Chuckles bounces his frame between sniffles. “Being with you makes me happy.”
“Being with me makes youhorny.”
Louder laughs leave us both before he wipes away the fallen tears. “That too.”
“That first.”
More snickers escape prior to him resting his head warmly against my shoulder. “We’re gonna kill him together, right?”
“Absolutely.” I wind an arm protectively around his shoulder. “And once he’s dead, if you wanna chase your dream of being an F1 driver, we’ll sell the businesses and move to wherever you wanna move to get your start, Kid. Cali. Indy. The Motor City. You name it. We’ll go. Doubt Rabbit would object. And if for some reason she did…I’d fuck her into it.”
He instantly lifts his head to beam up at me. “You’d really do that for me?”
“Fuck our girlfriend into submission? Of course. I’m an incredible boyfriend.”
“The other part.” Another round of chuckles hits my ears. “The…uprooting your whole life for me thing. You’d do that?”
“I’d do anything for you, Kid.”
Kipp presses his lips firmly against mine, and there’s no stopping mine from pushing back.
Parting his.
Sliding my tongue inside to echo the very sentiment I spoke.
One stroke naturally shifts to two and two gets groans growing in my chest.
Shaking my frame.
Commanding my other hand to possessively cradle his face to prevent doubt from eventhinkingabout entering his mind.
The Kid suddenly pulls back to airily proclaim, “I’m thinkin’ maybe we finish this at home, Sir.”
“I think not defiling you in front of your mom’s ghost is a good call.” New bursts of laughter bounce between us. “Why don’t we get goin’? Your tongue can do few warmup laps in the truck.”
Hungry chortles are followed by us rising to our feet and turning in the direction of my truck.
Unfortunately, the second it’s in sight, someone else isn’t.
“Where the fuck is Rabbit?!” I promptly panic, frame preparing to launch forward through the wooded area.
“Nonononono,” my boyfriend hysterically howls. “She didn’t leave! She wouldn’t leave! Not again!”