Page 50 of Hunted: Season Two
The faster it races, the faster my feet seem to go.
The less I seem to blink.
Fucking think.
All of a sudden, the individual comes to a complete halt at the driver’s side of an SUV as if wordlessly daring me to come get them.
Put an end to everything.
Unfortunately, the second I dart forward, someone else unexpectedly steps into my way causing me to stumble backward. “Ohmygod, Nolan?!”
Fuck. Me.
Of all the people I had to run into today, ithadto be her?
The familiar shades of red are ruffled around like a flag being waved, warning me to not only go back the way I came but to avoid even the pleasantries.
Because with Jolene nothing is ever really pleasant.
More like aployor apreludeto something much worse than your mind can conjure up at the moment of meeting.
“Did you not see me walkin’ here?” she sasses, preventing my stare from stealing a second glance at the stranger I was chasing. “I’m kinda hard to miss, honey.”
Not hard enough.
“That’s how I got you, ain’t it?”
It isn’t.
“Where ya headed, anyway?” my ex curiously continues to interrogate. “Meetin’ someone for a quickie in the lot?” Mischievousness that makes my stomach churn dances around her makeup caked on complexion. “Want company?”
Rather than reply to her offer, I cut my glare to where the individual has disappeared, most likely into the vehicle.
Who are they?
“I could use a goodtime…”
Who were they watching?
Was it us?
Was it Rabbit?
Is it McAdams or another one of his fuck boy lackeys we missed?
“Wow,” Jolene dramatically sighs, forcing my gaze back to hers. “Your new girlfriend requires you to completely ignore me?”
“If she did, I’d do it.” I lean forward and flash her a smug smirk. “Happily.”
Her eyes slightly narrow to thin slits.
Our paths haven’t crossed much since we split.
And I’ve been rather grateful for that.
I mean no onelikesrunning into their ex unless they’re looking for a post breakup fuck or blowjob.