Page 52 of Hunted: Season Two
Chapter 10
Nolan releases a slightly amused grunt. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“It was either this or watchTokyo Driftwhile waitin’ for dinner to be ready,” I promptly remind.
“Exactly.” My best friend readjusts the controller in his possession. “Racing remote control stunt cars ourselves beats watching them do it on the screen.”
“Those aren’t remote control.” Small chuckles precede me swiftly flicking my thumb upward to send the 360 rotating capable toy bouncing off the side of a toolbox. “Those arerealstunt cars, driven byrealstunt drivers.” Accelerating the machine forward has it racing towards the open, overhead garage door. “I don’t know if F1 driving is meant for me, but stunt?” I bring the vehicle to an abrupt, skidding halt and have it theatrically spin in place. “Pretty sure I could be happy paying homage to Joie Chitwood.”
“Homage?” the man also resting his backside against the checkout playfully prods. “You pass your vocab test?” He tosses me a crooked grin. “That the real reason Rabbit ordered this shit for you? A reward for passing?”
There’s no time to retort courtesy of our woman strolling out of the office towards us, “No, your girlfriend-”
“I preferRabbit,” Nolan pokes.
“And I prefer younottrying to pass off bribes as donations to various communities.”
An indifferent shrug is all she’s given.
“Your books are the type of examples they used to try to scare usawayfrom this industry.”
“Yet you stayed.”
“What can I say?” Bunny sassily shoots back at the same time she tucks her Mickey Mouse pen into her high messy bun. “I love things I can get on top of.”
“Always an option, Rabbit.” He stops moving his car forward to roughly grab his crotch. “Just say when.”
The giggling and rolling of her eyes are what lead to me adding, “You don’t even have to saywhen, baby. Just blink twice if you need us to mercy fuck you.”
“Or fuck you without mercy.”
A tiny whimper starts to slip free yet is caught by her chomping harshly down on her bottom lip.
Wouldn’t be the first time we had her today.
Doubt it’d be the last.
Come to think of it…we’ve been going at it pretty constantly since my birthday.
Any when.
It’s having me get underneath the hoods that are coming in a little slower, but I won’t complain.
I much prefer being under hers.
Both when they’re fooling around between tows or spreadsheets, and I stop to take a piss break that’s instantly followed by me joining.
In spite the dark cloud of exhaust that seems to be hanging over us, doing its best to choke us to death, there’s been some damn good moments of fresh air.
Like getting the shop back in full working order, equipped with a few new tools and tunes to get me through the day.
Another is the footage of those bounty hunters getting arrested and news of them being locked up.