Page 54 of Hunted: Season Two
On one side of the vehicle, Ihatehearing Garcia’s phrasing for the millionth fucking time.
I actually hate hearing his name practically every fucking day.
I hate that he seems to have a perma parking space in our lives.
But on the other side of the vehicle, I’m thankful.
He’s the reason the authorities rounded up all but one of the bounty hunters the day of November’s funeral.
He’s the reason they turned on one another and convinced those moronic detectives that one of them was responsible for the death of the one we know Nolan made disappear as well as the desecration of my mom’s grave – although her body isstillMIA.
He’s also the reason those charges against Nolan were dropped, the ones regarding me in all aspects have been closed, and why we’re being given a check with more zeroes than I think necessary to cover the wrongful damages the shop went through.
Garcia is unfortunatelynecessaryat this point in the road trip we call life.
Similar to GPS.
I just…reallylook forward to the day we can drive without him.
Rather than argue, I do my best to surrender with a smile. “I’ll think about it.”
“Mm,” Nolan lets his thumb lovingly stroke my side, “thinkharder.”
This time he’s shot an impish smirk. “I’d rather think harder about something else,Sir.”
“That ass need another pounding, you filthy little fuck?” He wolfishly steals a swipe of his lips. “Youjusthad one when we were putting batteries in the controllers.”
Redness warms my cheeks as I guiltily glance at the ground.
Bunny isn’t the only one whose engine rarely seems to turn off so much as idle.
“Is that what you two were doing upstairs while I was trying to decode the disaster you call your finances?” She lets her arms fold across my white t-shirt I usually use for off-the-book jobs that she likes lounging in. “Makingmoremesses for me to clean up?”
“We cleaned that one up,” Nolan lightly chuckles.
I decide to test drive the new information by cautiously investigating, “Is Posie the only one in town who wants you to look at their shit?”
“For now.Annabelle heard about what I can dofromPosie and wants to have a sit down.” A small indecisive wiggle of her tongue ring is executed. “And while Iknowthe guy pretending to be getting married wasn’tactuallyBrad but one of his patsies meant to rattle us – thanks to that photo Jolene flashed us–”
“That guy looked like a shitty Lucas Black,” is thoughtlessly murmured from me.
“Who?” Nolan promptly ponders.
“Sean fromThe Fast & Furiousfranchise.”
“Of course,” my best friend grumbles in amusement. “Should’ve been my first guess.”
“It really should’ve.”
“Like I was saying…” Bunny reclaims the conversation. “Despite knowing that Brad hasn’t been spotted in town or at that property, I’m still not so sure I wanna interact with Annabelle or her company or Dolly Parton’s nemesis until Zero can one hundred and ten percent confirm they aren’t knowingly involved with Brad inanycapacity.” Thankfully,another sprightly expression is flashed. “Please, tell me you didn’t sleep through music classthatday and totally understand the reference I just made, Kid.”
“You seriously askin’ me if I’ve heard of the First Lady of Country Music?”
“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa,” Nolan unexpectedly mutters, playful offense piercing his tone. “Don’t go throwin’ that title around like you know shit. Dolly isoneof the greats, but I don’t know if she isthegreat.”
Bewilderment bursting through my expression precedes me arguing, “She’s definitely the G.O.A.T.”