Page 65 of Hunted: Season Two
“Oh, you mean like you talk to me?”
“I do talk to you.”
“When Iasksomething. When I accidentallydiscovershit. Butnever…neverdo you just…fucking…talk to me,” The Kid growls in an unfamiliar tone. “You keep secrets. And your fucking secrets have secrets. And those secrets have a past. And theonly personwho knows any of that shit –besides you –is the man you claim doesn’t mean to you nearly as much as he fucking does.”
“And that’s fucking fine, Nolan. I get it. You have friends outside ofme.I have friends outside ofyou. You have a life outside ofme.I have a life outside ofyou. You have an identity outside ofme.And I have one outside ofyou.But wanna know what the big fucking difference is?” His palms land flat on the table. “My hood is always and has always been popped for you.”
Shame lands mercilessly on my shoulders.
“You knoweverythingandanythingyou want.Whenyou want. And me? I can’t even get you to unlatch the fucking thing untilyoudecide it’s fuckingnecessary.”
Additional guilt spreads along my back.
“Andeverythingis about whenyoudecide and whyyoudecide and howyoudecide and I’m so fucking sick of feeling like I’m a full-sized fucking spare to be kept in the trunk until I’m absolutely needed.”
Regret rolls the length of my spine.
“I’m done.” He defiantly states during an intimidating lean forward. “I’mdonewaiting in the dark. Done burning tread. Done roaring my engine for someone who clearly doesn’t want me for anything more than fucking show.” His chin kicks to the object I’m holding. “Eggs.”
Despite my somewhat shaky grip I slide the object back in his direction only for Rabbit to intervene by snatching it away herself. “No.”
Surprise hits us both as we face her.
“I didn’t get to run away when shit got hard, so you don’t get to call it a race because the shit storm is a little hard to manage.”
Kipp attempts to defend himself, “But-”
“No.” She cradles the carton to her stomach. “There’s a veryrealpossibility that we are about to bring a baby into this relationship, meaning we need to all get out of the red, and into the black.Together.”
Fuck, I still can’t believe she might be pregnant.
Icanbelieve it.
We bang like bunnies.
Pun intended.
But it’s never been a scare I’ve had before.
Dono if that’s because I’ve got slow swimmers or just good luck.
What I do know is if she’s got a bun in that oven, it’sours.
All. Of. Ours.
And I’m gonna fucking love it until I take my last breath.
The way a parent fucking should.
The way I never got.
“You’re right,” Rabbit continues, eyes locked with our boyfriend. “You shouldn’t be left in the dark, Kipp. And you shouldn’t have to beg for information-”