Page 79 of Hunted: Season Two
Biting my tongue is easy.
Not glaring isn’t.
“You ready forher?” he teases back at the same time he rotates himself to face the unfamiliar female. “That’s a whole lot of torque.”
“And I’m a whole lot of racer,” she sasses, palms planted firmly on her jean covered hips. “Or did Butler fail to mention that?”
Kid failed to mention the vehicle he was working on was for Street Racing Barbie.
That would’ve been valuable information to have.
I mean I probably would’ve brushed my hair or put on something hotter than Nolan’s old hoodie.
At least fucking lip gloss.
“Butler didn’t mention much, but the express installation cost talked plenty.”
“It better have considering I had to pay half up front.”
“I don’t like people wasting my time.”
“And I don’t like people trying to bullshit me out of money.”
Kid casually moves closer to his customer while arrogantly smirking. “Then it’s a good thing I didn’t.”
She flirtatiously bites her bottom lip, prompting me to pretend to clear something out of my throat. At that, her crystal gaze curiously cuts me. “Oh, hey! I didn’t even notice you there!”
“Whit, meet my girl, the mother of my own future street racer-”
“I don’t remember agreeing to that.”
“-Bunny.” He lets the corners of his lips curl upward. “Bunny meet Whit. She came to me on recommendation. We uh…work in the same circles so to speak.”
“I get paid to getinto trouble,and he gets paid to build the type of vehicles that get me out of it.” She nonchalantly crosses over to me. “Or into it a bit faster, depending.”
Politely shaking hands with her is attached to my asking, “How many times have you been here?”
“First time,” she replies, returning her grip to her hip. “But we’ve got mutual acquaintances.”
“He’s not the only one,” the blonde whispers out.
Did she sleep with Nolan?
Is that what she means?
Is this one of those small towns are too small moments?
Kinda like tracking Posie’s sexual past that overlaps with her mom’s too often?
“Let me grab your fob,” Kid announces as Whit noticeably trails behind him, “and then I’ll get you checked out.”
He means financially.