Page 97 of Hunted: Season Two
Laughter leaves each of us again and reverberates around the unsurprisingly barren store.
This is that time of day when most people are either just getting off work or about to get off work or stuck in traffic trying to get away from work. Working remotely – as well as running my own successful business – means I can pretty much make up my own schedule, and one of the best perks – nowadays – is getting to use that flexibility to go shopping or to lunch or to the local doc when my boyfriends are concerned, I’ve been vomiting “too much” for everything to be okay.
And itisokay.
A fair amount of morning sickness is quite normal – according to both ValandFred.
All of a sudden, a gust of cold air enters the shop from the door opening, shifting our attention over to a sight Idamn suredidn’t have on my BINGO card for today.
Jolene warmly greets the woman across from me, “Hey, Posie.”
She politely waves and offers her a cordial grin. “Hey, Jolene.”
Her glare grating itself across my lazily dressed frame precedes a wordless sneer that I don’t give her the satisfaction of returning.
Unlike Kid who gets noticeably tense over a man our boyfriend hasneverbeen into, I can’t even be remotely bothered by his actual ex.
What’s there to get my thong in a twist over?
They weren’t actually that into one another.
From what I’ve heard – courtesy of Kid as well as Posie – is the situation was convivence that lasted a little too long, and honestly?
A lot of people go through that.
Hell, Val likejustended shit with the barista that she had been banging simply because of his easy accessibility of working directly across the street from her practice. Apparently, he was barely in college – legal but not go to a bar legal – didn’t have his own car – his dad lent him his work truck – and lived at home with his divorced mother – who still did his laundry.
And what the fuck could make a smart, successful woman like her stick around for almost six months, the jury wonders.
The boy – evidently – made it rain orgasms and free coffee.
You know most women appreciate free beverages – both acholic and non.
Val claims to be a simple creature outside of the office and sticking around for sex along with caffeine verifies that exponentially.
My point is…I’m not threatened by Jolene because there’s nothing to be threatened by.
What they had was a lot like what Val just gave up.
Suitable for that point in his life.
He’s not there anymore.
He’s somewhere better.
And I’m happy that includes me.
“Let me know if you need help finding anything,” Posie calls out while sliding me another box to wrap across the table. “Or have any questions.”
A grunt of acknowledgement is all she’s offered in response.
Rather than switching over to that “Jingle Bell Thot”, Posie gleefully inquires, “What are we thinking for our meet the ‘rents din with Nolan? Classy? Sassy?” She slams her palms on the counterspace and leans forward. “Sophassy?”
“Is that supposed to be slang for sophisticated?”