Page 9 of Johny
It had been my intention to spend time with Maya and get to know her slowly to build up her trust. Knowing her background, I knew I’d have my work cut out for me. She’d not trust easily, especially when it came to her two little ones.
Because of the fuck up with Andy, I’d had to make other plans. I’d dragged Adam into it because how else was I going to ensure Maya didn’t forget about me while I was gone. And I wanted to spoil her a little. Something told me she’d never been spoilt in her entire life.
Before I left for Ireland for what felt like a never-ending three weeks, I’d arranged everything that I could to make sure Maya knew I was thinking of her, even if I wasn’t in the country.
First, I’d gone to Maggie, explaining what I wanted and why. Her smile had softened when I’d explained, but she’d still given me her five pence before agreeing to have a daily breakfast sandwich and a flask of coffee ready for Adam to pick up and leave at The Lounge for me, along with the notes I’d written.
Maggie had studied me with narrowed eyes, making me feel like I was ten years old again and she could see straight through me, “What are you up to, Johnny O’Shea? You’d best not be messing with our girl.”
“I’m not, Maggie, I swear. There’s something there. From the moment I saw her. I know you lot are always saying that when a Crow knows, they know. Well, I think this O’Shea knows. But I also know that I have to go slow, and now Andy has fucked up yet again, and I have to go to Ireland tonight to see if I can sort his problems out. I can’t do this by myself. I’m asking for help so that she knows I’m thinking of her, even if I’m not physically here.”
Maggie considered me with a shrewd gaze. Whatever she saw in my face had her smiling and agreeing to my scheme, “Okay, I’ll help you. Have Adam pick the orders up at six-thirty every morning. Just remember if you mess this up, it won’t just be Reaper and the boys you have to worry about. The Old Ladies have come to love Maya and her little ones.”
“I’m going to do my best not to mess up, Maggie, but I’m a guy. I’m bound to do something to piss her off. But I promise I’ll be careful with her and the children.”
With Maggie on board, I now had to persuade Adam to get up earlier so he could get to the café and back to The Lounge before Maya got there at eight to clean.
Taking my phone from my pocket as I left the café, I dialled his number.
“Johnny, what’s up?”
“Where are you?” I ask him.
“Liam and I are at my office, why?”
“I’m heading your way. Don’t leave, I have a favour to ask before I fly out to Ireland tonight.”
“Sure, no problem, we’ll be here. I’ll order us some lunch.”
“Thanks,” I mutter, ending the call and getting into my vehicle to make the drive to O’Shea Security.
O’Shea Security was in the industrial area of our small town in a black warehouse with green trim. It was cold and austere, but I guess that Adam didn’t need it looking pretty. Adam’s vehicle with the O’Shea Security logo was parked outside, along with Liam’s four-by-four. Maybe Liam and I should look into adding logos to our vehicles.‘It was free advertising,’I mused as I got out of my car, locked it, and walked to theoffice door. Inputting my code into the keypad, I waited for the buzz that lets me know the door had opened before pushing my way into the office.
Shaking my head at how Adam hadn’t bothered to make it look welcoming at all, the first thing you saw when you entered was the empty reception desk and grey filing cabinets. Not that Adam had a receptionist, even if he could do with one. He was putting it off because if he got one, that meant he’d actually have to talk to someone. And that was one thing he hated, how he managed to keep his clients, I’d never know as he rarely spoke to them. He was my complete opposite, surly and quiet, only speaking when he needed to.
I could smell the fish and chips before I got to Adam’s office. I should have known that’s what they’d order. It was Liam’s favourite.
“Hey, motherfuckers,” I call out as I enter the office. A grin spread over my face as they rolled their eyes at me.
“Why do you always feel the need to announce yourself?” Adam grumbled, scowling at me.
“Because I can,” I smirked at the grumpy gus before throwing myself down into the sparechair that I pulled up to Adam’s desk. Opening up the package he pushed towards me and inhaling the smell of battered cod and chips. None of us spoke while I doctored mine with salt and tucked in. All manners our mother had tried to instil in us while she’d been alive long forgotten as we ate like this was our last meal.
When I was done, I sat back and sipped at the drink that had come with the meal while I waited for them to finish.
“Jesus, Johnny, do you even chew?” Adam muttered. “How have you finished already?”
“I’ve not eaten since last night, that’s how. I was fucking starving. Knowing you, you’ve already had breakfast while I haven’t even been to bed yet.”
Liam shook his head, “I thought you hadn’t been home. What kept you? Was it the woman you left with?”
Shaking my head, “Nope, it was a woman but not her.”
“Fuck’s sake,” Adam rolls his eyes at me. “Your cock’s going to fall off if you keep sticking it in strange, Johnny.”
“I didn’t stick my cock anywhere, brother. He stayed tucked up nice and tight all night.”
Liam finished and sat back, eyeing me, “Okay, what gives? Why are you so perky considering Andy’s fucked up and they need the silver tongued one to go and sort his shit out? And you didn’t get laid.”