Page 20 of Hers To Keep
The comedown is hard, just like I knew it would be.
My body already misses the feel of him inside me. I don’t know why I still bother trying to convince myself that I don’t want him, that I won’t give in to him. My primal instincts go to shit with just looking at him, and now as he lays here beside me, breathless and manic, his tattooed chest rising and falling as he catches his breath, I’m in a trance of sorts, a reverie of lust.
I can see his sweat, like raindrops delicately placed upon his chest. The remnants of his cum still dripping out of my pussy and my thighs still vibrating from the intensity of his thrusts. The thrusts I begged him for.
I asked him to go rough and just this once—he didn’t fail me. This time he kept his word.
I turn and lay my head upon his chest. The warmth of his skin is too much for my overheated body, but I’m unable to move away. My fingers trace over the ink splayed across his skin, noticing one on hislower abdomen I hadn’t seen before, a heart with thorn covered vines wrapped tightly around it, cutting off its blood flow. It’s a real human heart, not a drawing of one. The details are so intricately illustrated it looks realistic. I trace the outline of the heart, following the left and right ventricles up to its aorta, and around the thorn vines that lead down to the succulent V-shape of his pelvic bone, his Adonis belt.
My eyes follow my fingers, as they roam down spotting his dick, thick and erect ready for more. I grin wickedly, licking my lips, imagining the taste and feel of his cock in my mouth. I reach my tongue out to lick the skin right under his heart tattoo, creeping my hand down slowly, wrapping my fingers around his length.
“Mhmm,” he moans, as I wrap my fingers around his length, rubbing my thumb along the tip and spreading the precum already seeping out.
“So eager and ready for more.” I whisper breathily. “Are you ready to go again?”
Though just as I’m about to lower my lips and take his cock in my mouth, we hear a set of voices inside the bedroom.
“How long do you think, till they realize we’re here?” Jade speaks, from somewhere behind me.
Sebastian speaks next, his voice just as loud and clear as hers. “I’d give them a few more seconds, now that your manly voice ought to have given us away.”
“Oh shut it, Bass, you love my deep rasp.”
“I love that rasp, so deep down in your throat.”
“Ugh, you’re a pig,” she sneers, her voice getting louder as the two continue bickering like always.
I nearly jump off of Ace, off of the bed naked when I realize they nearly watched me give Ace a fucking blowjob right in front of them.
Twisting my body around, I pull the sheet over my body, exposing Aces but making sure mine’s covered from their pryingeyes. A bright light from the window illuminates two figures standing at the foot of the bed. My vision tries to focus on their face before me, but my head is aching so terribly, my eyes threaten to close, blinded by the sunlight.
Fuck, I drank almost half a bottle of whiskey, after all the beer we drank down by the lake. Not to mention the euphoria of crazy hate sex with Ace.
“Please let me not only be imagining their voices but also seeing shadows where there aren’t any,” I whisper to myself but Aces chuckle beside me only confirms my suspicions.
Jade creeps over to sit at the end of the bed, Bass standing beside her with a wicked smirk teasing his lips as he looks between his best friend, who’s buck naked and his closed, to me also naked but using the silk sheet as my shield.
“What the fuck, guys?” I shout, sitting up and pulling the sheet further up my chest.
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauties. Or should I say, you little lovebirds.” Bass winks devilishly, Ace’s raspy chuckle making me highly aware of him as he leans back against the headboard, his arms folded behind his head like he’s so fucking relaxed.
“You think this is fucking amusing, don’t you?!” I yell, and Ace laughs louder. “Fuck you, Ace, you probably called them in here.” I grab the pillow from behind me, whacking him over the head with it.
“Watch it, babe, they came in here on their own. But I’ll still turn you around and fuck you here and now with an audience if you hit me with something again.”
“Yeah, that won’t be necessary,” Jade says, rising from the spot she was sitting at the end of the bed, and walking over to my side. “Why don’t you boys head downstairs, I need to have a word with my sister,” she adds, sitting beside me, but neither guy moves a muscle.
“You heard what she said,” I say, scowling at them.
“All right,” Ace answers, getting up and flashing his bare ass at us. Fuck why do these boys have to take everything so literally.
“Woah, I did not need to see that,” Jade says, turning away from him as he turns to us, his morning wood saluting me.
“You asked, babe.” Ace turns and grabs his jeans from last night off the chair in the corner of the room, slipping them on not bothering to put his boxers on, before walking out and heading downstairs.