Page 28 of Hers To Keep
“You feel good, don’t you, baby? Tell me how you feel. Fuck, tell me how good it is.”I whimper eagerly as my finger continues to rub gently against my clit, my head pressing down into my pillow. This is all for him. With just the simple sound of his voice he brings me to this point of ecstasy. This can’t possibly be healthy.
“You feel it, don’t you? The effect I have on you. What one simple command can do. Baby, I’m worse off. Just the thought of you brings me to the edge. The thought of you on your back for me, spread out on your bed, just like you are right now, your legs wide open clearing a space for me to kneel between them.”My knees instinctively open wider as he speaks, my fingers moving faster against my arousal, my back arching as the sensation heightens.
“Fuck, Ace, I need you to…” my voice gives out, as I insert one finger into my pussy, my thumb rubbing against my clit forcefully. I add another, pushing my fingers in and out frantically, the friction bringing me so close to my release.
“Hold off for me, baby, I’m almost there. I need us to come together.God, I fucking need you here with me., Scarlett”I hear him moaning and groaning as he vigorously pumps his cock on the other side and the ache of my arousal is overpowering me.
“Ace, please, I can’t anymore,” I cry out, needing my release.
“Now, fuck…”he yells out so loudly, I’m afraid someone’s going to hear.
I bring my free hand to my mouth suppressing my own cries as I come ravenously coating my fingers with my juices. My body shakes, my pussy convulsing around my fingers, as my breath slowly settles. That was one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had, and it was all at his command. I pull the covers back over me, shifting slightly, my eyes slowly losing their will to stay open. I whimper once again, sleep threatening to consume me.
“Goodnight, baby, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Remember, after school at the Dahlia House.”
“Mm-hmm,” I mutter breathlessly. “Goodnight.”
Today has beenanother tedious day of midterm after midterm, essay after essay, all because the end of the semester is near. On top of that, instead of Ace quelling the desperate ache in me last night, I woke up needing the fucker even more. I guess my fingers themselves don’t do the trick anymore, and I’ve yet to get myself a new toy.
Jade and Stella are going out to some party tonight at Liam Walker’s house, the captain of the lacrosse team, who much to her dismay, still has a huge crush on Jade. However, I decided I’m going to skip out on the party not knowing how long my conversation with Ace will go, or what kind of mood I’ll be in after it. Something tells me this trip out of town has nothing to do with his role in the Horsemen, since none of the other guys were gone. This seems personal, but I’ve yet to decide if it’s a family matter, or if it has something to do with me.
The weather is cooling down drastically as the sky above us rumbles, the threat of a storm brewing in its depths. I step out of the gym, my last class of the day, with Jade and Stella and find Ace leaning against one column of the auditorium.
“Looks like your boy is back,” Jade says, nodding toward where he stands, arms crossed, and glaring in my direction. The memory of our conversation last night comes flooding back to me, heat instantly pooling in my loins. “God, look at how he’s watching you, like damn… he just wants to fuck you here and now,” she adds. The lust she speaks of is clear in Ace’s stare.
“Oh my God, she’s blushing!” Stella yells, turning to me. I roll my eyes walking away from them.
“Go get him, tiger!” Jade shouts so loudly, I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone in a five-mile radius heard her. I raise both hands in the air, flipping them off and not bothering to turn around and acknowledge their whistling and hollering as I walk away.
Although I hate myself for it and won’t admit it out loud, it’s exactly where I’m going.
The way she flaunts her hips side to side as she struts my way in those knee-high socks and short schoolgirl skirt, makes my dick dangerously hard for her. I adjust myself, hoping my erection doesn’t scare her away before I do what I came here to do. Talk to her first, fuck her second.
“Well, well, the prodigal king has returned. So nice of you to bless us mere mortals with your presence, my lord,” she mocks, and if I didn’t know her better, I’d almost believe she’d go as far as curtsying to me.
As if she’d show submission of that sort.
“You’re funny,” I say, moving toward her and wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her in for a quick kiss.
She pulls back, raising her brow as she waits for my next move. “You said we needed to talk. This isn’t talking.”
“Walk with me,” I say, pulling her toward me, ignoring the jealous stares and snarky whispers of those around us, who watch us leave like the perfect couple we are. I thought aboutwaiting till we were in the safety of the beach house, away from prying eyes and silent eavesdroppers, to spill the news I’d found out, but the anticipation of telling her gets the best of me.”
“Someone’s blackmailing my uncle,” I blurt out, as we walk hand in hand toward the beach. She turns to me, stopping in her tracks, wide eyes confused by my words. “It’s where I went. To talk to the man he first believed was blackmailing him. He has a list of potential extortionists, but none of the names on it looked familiar to me. I did however find someone there,” I add, clarifying my earlier statement.
“You went to investigate who is blackmailing your uncle?” I nod answering her. “Was this another mission on his behalf, or mine?” she asks, sounding slightly irritated.
“He doesn’t know where I was. I went there to find out if this has anything to do with why you’re here or why he’s after you.”
“Of course he knows you went. He knows everything. You think he didn’t notice you weren’t in school for over a week. He probably knew before you left and then planted whatever information he wanted you to find.” She turns exasperated, throwing her hands in the air as she speaks.
“Elena Masters, does that ring a bell?” Her face pales as she looks frantically at me, and I know she realizes who it is.