Page 52 of Hers To Keep
Even though our charade last night was just for show and things have gotten better between us, a small part of me still feels wary.
What if what I heard him and Carrington speak of is true, and he’s once again lied to me?Once again tricked me into believing this connection between us is true. He practically told me he loved me. Worst of all, I feel like I almost said it back, but he told her another thing. He told Carrington it was all part of this master plan, and even though at this point I know not to believe everything I hear,since in this place not all is as it seems, it still hurts. I couldn’t deal with another one of his pitiful explanations.
I’m here to find out for myself what Servite wants.
The property is unnervingly quiet, only sounds heard are those of the wind gusting through the trees and small animals rustling around in the woods. The Smoaks literally live in the middle of the woods. Nothing but tall trees with scarce leaves, and overgrown grass and shrubs lie before me. My body trembles as my footsteps heave me toward a large metal shed with no windows, just a door in the middle of the front wall. The fear of what’s coming is overpowering my senses. I reach the front door, my fingers shakily grasping the knob, when I feel a presence behind me. The hairs on the back of my neck rise, my skin instantly covered in goosebumps as I feel a hot breath against my neck.
“Hello, angel,” he hisses against the skin of my nape. I close my eyes, biting my tongue to stop myself from turning and running away, or worse, turning and punching him across the jaw. It’s not like I’d even get a hit in. I’m sure he’s prepared, expecting it even. “Go on, open the door, we’ve been expecting you.”
I hastily move to turn the knob, pushing the door open and finding the other half of this unruly pair standing in the middle of the dimly lit room waiting. She’s once again impeccably dressed in a black low-cut jumpsuit, her dark hair slick straight and ending just above her shoulders. Looks nothing like the woman I thought I knew. Her skin flawless, her eyes full of life. Unlike me. I know I must look like a mess as her eyes roam over me dressed in jeans and an oversized hoodie. I tried my best to look unattractive, knowing Wesley would be here. Although he’s never tried anything with me, and swears he wants nothing to do with me, I’m now eighteen, and no longer forbidden. Although I’m not sure it would have mattered to him.
Yes, I’m now eighteen. How ironically fitting that they’d call me here, the morning of my eighteenth birthday. The same day four years ago I saw him for the first time, and her for the last.
“So glad you could join us, daughter,” my mother says as I approach her. I make it halfway to her before stopping at a metal chair on my right, refusing to go any closer. “I must say I doubted you’d show, but Wesley assured me he’d threatened you wisely, given you’re quite fond of his nephew. Rightfully so, the boy is a vision,” she adds, walking closer to me.
“Yes, I guess it’s true. Our physical beauty is perfected with every incoming generation,” Wesley says, and her body stiffens at his comment. Wesley’s insinuating that I have outdone my mother’s beauty, just as Ace has to his father. The narcissistic bitch doesn’t seem so happy about that.
I step back slowly, wanting to retreat to the safety of Ace’s arms at the beach house where I should have stayed, but crash into Wesley’s chest behind me. I’m stuck between the devil and his mistress, the mother of demons, and the prince of darkness. Between the queen and the king of hell with no way out.Why did I come here alone?
I let my fear of Wesley’s threats against Ace get the best of me, and now I’m here in danger once again, all on my own.
He’s right, every day I’m even more fucking stupid.
“Why am I here?” I yell, looking between the two of them. “What do you want from me?”
Wesley, who is also impeccably dressed in his usual all black suit, his hair slightly longer around the edges, and scruff darkening his angular jaw, grins menacingly, surely sensing my unease. In any other circumstance his beauty would intimidate me, but the only thing I feel when I look at him is an unfathomable hatred and disgust.
“Please have a seat,” he says, motioning to the chair beside me.
“I’d rather stand,” I answer back, holding my ground. He walks towards me, placing his hands upon my shoulders, guiding me toward the chair.
“I said sit,” he demands, as I drop into the chair with a thud. He walks around me grabbing another chair placing it in front of me.He unfolds the metal chair, sitting and crossing his leg over the other, his eyes never once straying from mine, as I watch him intently. My mother stands behind him and places her hands upon his shoulders, but he is quick to shrug them off, leaving her scowling angrily at his bold movement.
“I want you to come work for me,” he says, cutting straight to the point. “To work for us.” My mother rolls her eyes at his remark, while I laugh hysterically at his demand. But his expression remains blank as he continues. “You’re eighteen now, Happy Birthday by the way, not that it would matter if you weren’t. You are, which means, it’s time for you to join your mother in her line of work.”
I look up at Lilith whose expression shows hints of jealousy and disdain. “Is she no longer bringing in the money you were hoping for? Has your prized madam passed her prime?”
His grin widens, a chuckle escaping him as she scoffs, turning away from us. “My, this girl has a spine, Lil. If you were anything like her in your youth, things might have ended differently for you.” She walks back over to us a glass of liquor in her hand, drinking it and disregarding his comment. “But no, you see Lilith has graduated from her prior position and is now working elsewhere, as you’ve discovered. Good work by the way.”
“I guess you should be careful who you tell your secrets to. You trust so easily Wesley,” I say, only amusing him further.
“This is why I like her,” he says, talking to my mother, his stare remaining on me. “I need you to come work with me at The Gallows.”
“Why would I ever work for you in a place like that? It’s sickening, disgusting, the depravity of what you do.”
“That’s exactly why I want you to come work for me. You see The Gallows allows our guests to give in to their darkest, forbidden desires. It feeds the beast within all of us, allowing it to come out to play in a healthy manner. I can assure you my girls are all there by their own free will, highly compensated, and none aremore than six months shy of eighteen. Not to mention I ensure they’re never physically touched. It is strictly forbidden that our guests put so much as a finger on our younger girls,” I scoff, rolling my eyes at the indignity of the lies he spews.
“Please, don’t try to fool me with your lies. I’ve been there, seen it with my own eyes, and witnessed it first-hand.”
“Trust me, he will be dealt with for disobeying the rules of The Gallows and laying a hand on you,” he adds, referring to Professor Macallan. “Had I known that would happen I never would have sent you, but this is why I want you to come and work alongside the girls. Working for me, you’d be in charge of their wellbeing.”
“Their madam?”
“Think of it as the head of human resources, in charge of the employees and speaking for their needs on their behalf.”
“You genuinely believe what you’re doing is not immoral?”
“Darling,” my mother says, moving to sit on Wesley’s lap. Her fingers caress his chin, as she places a soft kiss upon his lips. I cringe internally at the sight of them before me. “Wesley is no saint, and he is well aware of his wickedness, but the world is overcome with sin, sinners drowning in their endless depravity, so you either curse it or revel in its privileges.”