Page 22 of The Christmas Plan
Mac’s hand dropped to her pocket, checking to make sure her wallet and her gift for Taylor were still in her pocket.
“Alright, ladies. Here we are.” The driver pulled the car to a halt directly in front of the building they’d been told to come to.
From the outside, it looked incredibly unremarkable.
Once the car was in park, the driver hopped out and jogged around to Mac’s side of the car. He pulled the door open and nodded to her as she stepped out.
Turning around, Mac offered her hand to Taylor as she ducked out of the black Cadillac.
“Thanks.” Taylor smiled up at Mac, growing a nervous lump in Mac’s throat.
Arm in arm, the couple walked to the doors of the massive building, stepping around the pedestrians going about their weekend. A few of them looked over their shoulders, curious where this red-carpet-ready duo was headed.
Mac winked at one of the women who seemed to recognize them. A part of her still felt strange being able to hold Taylor like this, letting the entire world know they were together. But god, it was freeing.
The doorman pushed open the door, making sure no one had to lift a finger. She directed the couple to the elevator bank that led directly to the top floor.
Once inside, they clicked thepenthousebutton and waited as the metal box shot up the building. If Mac hadn’t spent so much time in Taylor’s place she would have gotten dizzy from the speed with which the elevator moved.
Before they knew it, they were slowing as they approached their floor.
“Ready?” Mac turned to Taylor, prepared for cameras and a loud party.
Swallowing hard, Taylor nodded. “Don’t let go of my hand.”
It was impossible to stop herself from smiling as Mac reached down and interlaced their fingers. She was beaming as the doors swung open, immediately blinded by the flashes of two cameras near the entrance.
Stepping forward, Mac and Taylor tried to get their bearings as they posed along the white carpet. Mackenzie could hear the party beyond the flash, a DJ blasting Christmas remixes, agents chatting, and caterers shuffling.
Hand in hand, they worked the angles for the photographers. Blinking through the flashes, Mac recognized one of them and raised her voice over the noise. “Hey, Drew! Good to see you!”
Drew lowered their camera and reached out their hand. “You too, congrats on the big win.”
From beside them, the other photographer, a gorgeous redhead, waved. “Hi, I’m a big fan.”
“This is my girlfriend and colleague, Rose.” Drew gestured.
Mac and Taylor stretched out their hands and took turns shaking the photographer's hand. Around her neck, a messenger bag with a manilla envelope stuck out.
Smiling at the two stars, Drew nodded. “Enjoy the party, it’s gotten pretty lively.”
“So it seems.” Taylor giggled, squeezing Mac’s hand harder as they kept moving.
Tightening her grip, Mac reassured Taylor that she wasn’t going anywhere as they made their way into the crowd. As soon as they were past the photographers, party guests started to greet them and introduce themselves.
Most of them were agents, eyeing Taylor as a potential new client while the guests were other celebrities saying hello.
Taylor dropped Mac’s hand, her confidence growing with each step, as she shook hands and greeted friendly faces.
As they strolled through, Mackenzie started to recognize a few of them from the members-only club they went to. They’d revisited the venue a few times since the end of the tennis season, even making a couple friends.
But this was different, no longer in hiding. Every single person there knew exactly who they were and that they were together. Mackenzie was sure there would be a few tabloid pictures of them the next day.
Finding an empty high-top, Taylor and Mac sidled up to it just as a caterer in a messy tie walked closer. “Good evening, ladies. Can I offer you some champagne?”
Mac nodded as she reached into the tray and grabbed two flutes. “Thanks, chief. What’s your name?”
Raising an eyebrow, Taylor watched on as Mac handed her a glass.