Page 37 of Fix You
With a roll of his eyes, Gianni countered, “Seriously? It’s not like I said how I’ve been wondering all night if the carpet matches the drapes.”
With those words, red ran over my vision, and I launched myself at him. Shoving him up against the wall, I brought my elbow under his neck. “Don’t youeverdisrespect Maeve like that again!”
Gianni’s dark eyes popped wide with shock. While I fully expected him to go off on me for daring to put my hands on him, he merely replied, “I’m sorry. You have my word.”
“Good,” I grunted as I pulled my hand away. When I turned around, Leo slowly shook his head, disbelief etched on his face. “What?” I demanded.
“You didn’t give a fuck about the vile shit I spewed about your futurewife,but you’re losing your mind because of what Gianni said about Maeve?”
Fuck. I felt raw and exposed under his stare. I didn’t even understand my reaction myself, least of all how to explain it to him. “This isn’t about my lack of feelings for Drea. It’s about the alliance.”
“Bullshit,” Leo argued.
“In case you missed it, this alliance encompasses our baby sister’s happiness. Last time I checked, that wasn’t bullshit. Not to mention the fracture we currently find ourselves in with Father. We need this alliance more than ever.”
With a bob of his head, Leo replied, “You’re right. We do. But don’t think for a minute Gianni and I don’t realize what your reaction was really about.”
“There is nothing between Maeve and me.” At both of their looks of exasperation, I grunted. “Fine. I liked her.”
“What’s not to like,” Leo said with a grin.
Gritting my teeth, I replied, “It’s about more than her being a fucking ten.”
“What is it then?”
Although I could’ve told them it was her kindness or her innocence or her humor or her silent courage, I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to say anything because it would mean sharing parts of Maeve I only wanted for myself. “She’s just a lot of fun.”
When Leo opened his mouth, I jabbed a finger. “Not a fucking word.”
He and Gianni chuckled at my outrage. Caterina and Callum interrupted us then. “I’m beat, so we’re going inside,” Caterina said.
Motioning to the house, Gianni said, “Sounds like the party is still going.”
Callum laughed. “It will probably be all night.”
I laughed. “Sounds like an Italian wedding reception.”
Shaking her head, Caterina said, “Not for me. I’m too tired.”
“You’ve had a tough week,” I pointed out, which earned me a glare from Callum.
“I’ll be fine. I just need a good night’s sleep,” Caterina protested.
“Then we’ll say goodnight and goodbye, Kitty Cat,” Leo mused.
“You can’t go back tonight.”
“The jet is on standby,” I remarked.
“But I barely got to see you guys.”
“We’ll remedy that soon,” Gianni said.
“There’s lots of people staying the night. I’m not sure where they’re sleeping, but they are,” Caterina said. After I exchanged glances with Leandro and Gianni, she implored, “Please stay.”
I cut my gaze over to Callum. “Do you extend the invitation?”
He clenched his jaw. “Aye, there’s plenty of room. We have several guest bedrooms in the basement.” When Caterina sucked in a harsh breath, Callum asked, “What?”