Page 60 of Stolen Queen
She nods. “My mom always said it was a duty, but she and my dad must be doing it wrong.”
I snort out a laugh. “Can we not talk about your parents’ sex life?”
She blushes. “Right. Sorry.” Her skin is warm and flushed as she snuggles into me. She looks up at me, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "When can we do it again?"
"Soon, Princess. Soon." I kiss the top of her head and hold her close. She falls asleep against me. I set the washcloth on the bedside table and savor this moment. I know that our situationis a ticking time bomb. There’s no way out of this that doesn’t end up in heartbreak or death. But I feel confident in saying that having these moments with Ava will have made it worth it.
Life is fucking awesome.As the days, and now weeks, pass, I find myself more and more entangled in Ava's web. She's become my addiction, my reason for rushing home after work.
I never thought I'd be the type to get caught up in one woman. My reputation as a player is well-earned, after all. But Ava? She's different. She challenges me, surprises me, and makes me want to be a better man. It's both exhilarating and terrifying.
I finally understand the power a woman can have over a man. I watched it happen to Elio as he fell hard for Piper, and Lazaro in finding his match in Diana. Even straight-laced ex-cop Henry succumbed to Lana's charms. But experiencing it firsthand? It's a whole different ballgame.
Every morning, I wake up grateful for another day with her. Every night, I fall asleep wondering how I got so lucky. The sex is mind-blowing, sure, but it's more than that. We spend hours talking, laughing, and just being together. I've never been so vulnerable with anyone before. It's terrifying, knowing that if… when she leaves, she'll take a piece of me with her. But I can't help myself.
I've been working behind the scenes to secure a new identity for her, for when she’s ready to leave, but I haven’t told her that. I want to draw out our time together for as long as I can. I know it’s reckless. There will come the day when she has to leave. There’s no way this ends well for us. But for now, in my home, we live in a tiny bubble in which real life doesn’t get in the way.
In the five weeks since she gave me the precious gift of her trust and her body, we’ve fallen into a routine. I wake, watchingher for a moment as she sleeps peacefully by my side. Then I dress and head out to the kitchen to make coffee. It’s the scent of the dark brew that wakes her and brings her to me in the kitchen. Her long, dark hair hangs loose around her shoulders. Her gray eyes look at me like I’m the center of the universe. Sometimes, I can’t help myself and I have to have her body, so warm and pliant after a night’s sleep.
This morning is no exception, and I take her in my arms, pushing her against the kitchen table as desire courses through my veins. I’ll be late for work, but who cares? She allows me to bend her over the table and take her from behind. Her moans of pleasure fill the room until her pussy tightens and takes me over the edge into that ultimate high.
She sends me off to work with a kiss, and I have to admit even work has been better. Today, everything is going to plan. Payments are on time and the right amount. Managers and associates are doing their jobs. It won’t be long before I’m back home and in Ava’s arms again. But first, I have to meet with Elio, Lazaro, now home from his honeymoon, and Lana.
I park in front of the house and am barely through the foyer before all hell breaks loose. Vincenzo Rinella comes barreling in behind me, his face red with fury as he charges straight for Elio. My blood runs cold as I see little Elysse standing next to her father, her eyes wide with fear.
Without hesitation, Lazaro and I move as one, stepping in front of Rinella to block his path. I'm ready for a fight, but it's Lazaro who really makes Rinella stop short. There's a reason they call my cousin the "mad dog" of the D'Amato family. The look in Lazaro's eyes right now is downright feral, promising death if Rinella takes one more step.
"Watch yourself," Lazaro growls, his voice low and menacing.
Rinella may be pissed, but he's not stupid. He knows Lazaro's reputation. He stops, but his anger radiates off him.
I stand my ground next to Lazaro. "He's like a bad penny the way he keeps showing up,” I say under my breath.
Elio shoots me a warning glance, and I know I need to rein it in. I promised I'd behave, and I intend to keep that promise.
As Rinella stands there, fuming and ready to explode, I'm acutely aware of how precarious my situation is. Ava and I have managed to keep our secret far longer than I ever thought possible, but I know we're on borrowed time. Is today when it all ends?
Piper appears, her eyes quickly scanning the tense scene before her. Without hesitation, she moves to Elysse, wrapping a protective arm around the little girl while her other hand rests on her swollen belly.
The sight of Piper, heavily pregnant and shielding Elysse, pisses me off even more. Why Elio hasn't dropped Rinella right here and now, I don't know. Rinella's presence here is a threat to all of us, but especially to the innocent, including Ava. I clench my fists tighter, ready to act if necessary. I almost wish Rinella would try something so I could justify ending him, ending his reign of terror over Ava.
"Sweetheart, why don't you take Elysse to do her homework?" Elio says to Piper, his eyes never leaving Rinella.
Piper nods, understanding the unspoken message. She gently guides Elysse away.
Elio's eyes narrow at Rinella. "For a man who wants respect, you don't do much to earn it."
Before Rinella can respond, Lana steps forward, her voice cool and collected. "Gentlemen, perhaps we should take this discussion to Elio's office."
Rinella nods curtly, his face still flushed with anger. As we all file into Elio's office, my mind races, trying to figure out what's got Rinella so worked up this time. I hadn’t heard anything onthe streets today. There was no hint of an issue from any of my men.
I take my usual spot leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. It's a casual stance but one that allows me to keep an eye on everyone in the room. Especially Rinella.
Elio offers Rinella a seat, but he refuses, instead handing Elio a photo.
Elio looks at it and then at Rinella. “Should I know who this is?”
The photo is passed around, but Lazaro and Lana shrug and shake their heads.