Page 67 of Stolen Queen
“How about a beer? Diana is teaching Elysse how to bake tonight so I have a little time before I need to get home.”
“Raincheck. I’ve got some… another thing.”
He waggles his brows. “Picking up the slack at the club now that I’m out of the game?”
“Something like that.” It feels wrong to let him think I’m fucking other women, but I need to keep my secret, at least until Ava is safely away.
As I drive home, my irritation slowly gives way to anticipation. The thought of seeing Ava, of losing myself in her embrace, is the medicine for my weary soul. Knowing I’m a bit late, I pull out my phone to call her. The call goes straight to voicemail. A twinge of unease creeps in as I dial again with the same result. It’s unlike Ava to not answer.
"Come on, Princess," I mutter, calling a third time. Still nothing.
I press down on the accelerator, the feeling of urgency pushing me. It’s probably nothing. Maybe she’s napping or taking a shower.
I park in the garage and sprint to the elevator. It’s a painfully slow ride up, but finally, I reach my floor and rush to my door.
I open it and burst through. I freeze, my blood turning to ice in my veins.
“Matteo.” Elio sits on my couch, his eyes cold.
I quickly look for Ava who is sitting in a chair wearing sexy red lingerie under what must be Elio’s coat. Tears streak her face.
A primal surge of protectiveness washes over me at seeing her tears. I want to rush to her, but I force myself to stay calm.
“Elio. What brings you by?”
“I was worried about you. Wanted to check on you.”
“Well… as you can see, I’m fine.”
Elio’s voice is calm and steady, but I can hear the rage behind it. "Care to explain why Vincenzo Rinella's missing daughter is in your apartment dressed like a wh?—”
His eyes widen in surprise. He rises and comes to stand in my space, his face filled with anger. “How long have you been hiding her? Was she here when Rinella accused me of kidnapping her?”
“He accused me.”
“On what he thinks are my orders,” Elio snaps. He shakes his head, and I hate the disappointment in his eyes, but I’m not regretting anything I’ve done. “You’ve lied to my face every time I asked if you knew anything about her disappearance."
I stand my ground. "I’m protecting her."
Elio scoffs. "Protecting her? From what? Her father? Or from the consequences of your own actions? Have you defiled?—”
“Don’t be vile.” I’ve never wanted to hit my cousin, but I’m precariously close at the disrespect he’s showing Ava.
“Shut up!” Ava stands up and hurries to me. I realize my little Princess wants to protect me.
“It’s okay.” I give her a reassuring smile. “Why don’t you go change?”
She studies me for a moment. I nod that it’s okay. She looks at Elio, and I worry she might say something. Instead, she does as I ask and disappears down the hall to change.
I go to the bar, Elio following me. “What the fuck are you thinking? You have to hand her over to Rinella or I will. Maybe I’ll hand you over to him as well.”
“Do what you want to me, but she’s not going back to her father.” I pour a shot and down it. “Like I said, I’m protecting her. Rinella plans to sell her to Nardone. He’s already misplaced two wives. I’m not going to let her be the third."
"So you decided to play hero?" Elio's voice drips with sarcasm. "Did you even think about what this could mean for our family? For our alliance with the Rinellas?"
“If you haven’t noticed, I don’t give two shits about?—”