Page 22 of The Hunchback

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Page 22 of The Hunchback

The glass dome covering the Well of Power parted. The five rings of the Well, each of them flat, indicated the five main peripheral cities of Paris, which supplied energy for the sprawling suburbs surrounding them. In the center of the Well, a spire-like tower rose barely a meter above ground. That sight further sobered the crowd. The energy reserves had never been so low. The ancient glyphs on both the tower and the rings pulsated in an alarmingly weak fashion.

Esmeralda stopped in front of the well—although not stepping onto it—and faced the table of honor. The Light Maidens formed a line on each side of her, all facing the dais as well. But they weren’t looking at Frollo or the dignitaries who had all risen to their feet. Heads tilted upwards, they gazed upon the majestic Elohim flying down from their floating city, Elysium. There was something hypnotic to the rhythmic way the wide span of their wings flapped around them. The setting sun reflecting just the right way on their gleaming armor further enhanced that impression by giving them an almost angelic halo.

The crowd all but held its breath as twenty of the giant winged warriors settled on the perches erected around the plaza for them, the sound of their wings ominous. Only the three Seraphs landed by the dais: High Seraph Phoebus, and the two generals of his legions, Arrius and Magnus. Unlike the white-winged Elohim perched around the plaza—Angels, Archangels and Dominions—the three Seraphs had a double set of black wings with white spotted down feathers on the top set around their shoulders. It could have almost passed for a king’s ermine fur.

Even from where we stood, their aura could be felt, drawing you in like the most irresistible addiction, and instilling fear of the harm extended exposure would cause to the common human. Despite their obvious urge to come closer, the people of Paris moved farther back from the Well and the divine guests surrounding it.

Once more, a pang of envy coursed through me at the perfection of the Elohim. Over seven feet tall, with heavenly faces and glowing eyes, their godly, muscular bodies were bare but for the adorned leather skirts and gladiator sandals they wore. However, while the audience—especially the females—couldn’t tear their gazes away from them, the Elohim only had eyes for one woman—MY woman.

A burning jealousy rose from the darkest depths of me when Phoebus placed his palm over his heart and bowed his head at Esmeralda with a seductive smile. The glyph on the armband adorning his wrist flashed, something I’d never seen in all the past years when he’d greeted the Vestal serving at the time. My Mera placed both hands over her own heart and bowed her head, imitated seconds later by the Light Maidens.

As soon as the women straightened, Frollo approached the Elohim leader and his generals.

“Welcome to Paris, High Seraph Phoebus, and honorable Generals Arrius and Magnus. You honor us with your presence.”

Despite the distance, my enhanced eyesight and hearing allowed me to see and hear all that the rest of the people in attendance could only speculate about.

“The honor is all ours, Praetor,” Phoebus said with his thundering voice, although his gaze never strayed from Esmeralda. “We wouldn’t have missed the opportunity to meet an Anointed.”

I didn’t miss Frollo slightly clenching his jaw in displeasure, a sentiment I shared all too well. What male could rival a Seraph? Esmeraldawasan Anointed, born to walk at the side of a god. What chance could a deformed creature such as I possibly stand against so many better males?

“I am certain she will be just as delighted to make your acquaintance after the ceremony,” Frollo responded with an award-winning performance of cordiality. “If you please,” he added, gesturing to the table of honor.

Tearing his gaze away from Esmeralda with visible effort, Phoebus finally made eye contact with Frollo. He frowned before giving the Praetor an assessing look.

“Your power has grown again, and significantly, too, since the last time we’ve met,” Phoebus said in a confused voice. “Your Light is verging the divine. It calls to me like that of a brother. And yet, I know of no Vestals in your bloodline.”

Frollo puffed his chest, failing miserably to hide his pride. “You flatter me, High Seraph. But I must admit that Esmeralda has awakened within me things I didn’t know existed. Having her by my side has enhanced me in ways I never imagined possible.”

As much as I wanted to punch him in the throat for his obvious innuendos, it hurt me that she would impact the Praetor the same way she had me. It was stupid but, for some silly reason, I’d convinced myself that a special bond that existedonlybetween the two of us had enhanced Esmeralda’s powers and awakened the one inside me.

Phoebus narrowed his gaze at Frollo, having clearly understood the underlying message. “You shouldn’t be so surprised,” the Seraph said dismissively. “Anointed Vestals are born to be the consorts of the gods. If they can enhance us, they would obviously affect common men.”

That, too, struck a nerve. Under different circumstances, I would have been amused to see Frollo so righteously put back in his place. But the High Seraph’s words rang with an undeniable truth that applied even more so to me.

Without waiting for Frollo’s response, Phoebus marched to the central chair at the table of honor. Following in silence, the Praetor settled at his right, and the Seraph generals took a seat on either side of them. After bowing to the Seraphs, the five dignitaries of each of the main peripheral cities walked down the dais carrying with reverence a highly ornate round container the size of a giant pumpkin. In turn, they each stopped in front of Esmeralda before opening the container.

It revealed the Relay Orb of their respective cities. My woman held her palms on the side of the Orb without touching it and pushed her power inside it, causing a brief, stabbing pain at the base of my hump. The Orb immediately lit up and began to hover with a soft hum above the open container in the dignitary’s hands. Two Light Maidens, one on each side of Esmeralda, approached and placed a hand on the side of the Orb, once more without touching it. Then, moving in coordinated steps, the Maidens went to take position at one of the five ‘corners’ of the Well with their Orb.

As each of the four remaining dignitaries repeated the process, the stabbing pain of Esmeralda activating their Orbs reminded me of my precarious situation. Soon she would begin her Chant to Vesta, and then her dance to invoke lightning and the power of her Divine Light to charge the Well and the Orbs. I had brought earplugs to block out her Chant, figuring the first half of her dance wouldn’t harm me. But I hadn’t expected her power to manifest so soon with such strength.

Trying to weave my way through the tightly packed crowd, panic began to settle in the pit of my stomach at my frighteningly slow progress. People were glaring at me, pushing back, annoyed at me interrupting their enjoyment of this sacred proceeding. They didn’t understand where I was headed, and why I would even want to leave.

Despite the earplugs, the first crystalline note that rose from Esmeralda’s throat pierced right through me down to my very core. Pleasure and pain flooded through my body as a blissful ball of power burst within me. As the Vestal’s Chant continued to rise, the Light Maidens joined their voices to hers, and the magical link which brought me both ecstasy and misery formed between my woman and me.

I swallowed down a pained cry, becoming more forceful in my attempts to break through the crowd. They pushed back with increasing violence, angered that I would ruin the trance in which the Chant was putting them under. Esmeralda’s ergokinetic aura exploded in a magnetic wave that had the assembled citizens gasp as one voice. The same awed and disbelieving looks marked every visage in the writhing mass of nameless men and women standing between me and my refuge as lightning struck the tower of the Well, and the first ring lit up.

But for me, it was a roar of agony that escaped my lips as the surge of power made me feel as if my spine was torn right out of my back. The crowd, finally understanding something was seriously amiss, began to part before me. I stumbled ahead half-blind by the swelling of my eyes and face. The mask on my head now felt too tight, squeezing my throbbing face from all sides.

As another mesmerized cry rose from the sea of humans in which I drowned, my knees buckled at the torment tearing me asunder. Grunting and moaning, I half-crawled towards a destination now beyond my strength to reach.

The beating of drums announced the beginning of Esmeralda’s dance. How I had wished to see it. How I had wished to be normal, once… just once. And now, I would die, a few meters from my beloved because I had been too bold, too reckless… Because I’d lusted after the consort of the gods.

Chapter 10


The very heart of Vesta beat through my chest as incommensurable power flowed through me. I was the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the embodiment of Divine Light made flesh. I didn’t need to see Kwazeem in the crowd to know this insane surge of power stemmed from him. He was both in and around me, lifting me to unparalleled heights.

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