Page 24 of The Hunchback
His meaningful glance towards Frollo spoke volumes. I licked my lips nervously and shifted uncomfortably in my chair.
“No one in their right mind would refuse a guided tour of Elysium, especially one given by the High Seraph himself,” I said, carefully choosing my words.
“But?” Phoebus insisted, his glowing eyes narrowing ever so slightly.
I smiled and tucked a strand of my long, curly hair behind my ear. “But, I would humbly request a different time than tonight. Praetor Frollo will shortly depart for his tour of the peripheral cities for the Orb Ceremonies. Once he does, I was hoping to call it an early night. This week, preparing for the Festival has been intense and, despite the regenerative effects of your aura, tonight’s performance has drained me,” I said with an apologetic expression.
Phoebus’s expression softened, laced with a tinge of guilt. “Of course,” he said, bowing his head slightly. “How insensitive of me not to have anticipated it. Your performance has so mesmerized all of us, we’ve stopped thinking clearly. I will escort you back to the temple right away, if you wish.”
“Oh, that is not necessary,” I said, trying to hide my joy at having been freed at last while sparing everyone’s sensibilities.
“Indeed,” Frollo echoed. “As Esmeralda’s host, it is my duty to see to her comfort, which I’m ashamed to admit I’ve neglected in this instance.”
“As ruler of the First Circle, I am her host as well,” Seraph said, his gaze slightly hardened.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes, having no patience for their little pissing contest. However, this time, I wished Frollo would escort me back so that he could seize the opportunity to look in on Kwazeem.
“Furthermore,” Phoebus continued in a taunting voice before Frollo could respond, “your dignitaries are getting antsy. Some of their cities are hungry for those replenished Relays.”
Frollo cast a swift glance at the dignitaries sitting further down on each side of the table. They were indeed stealing furtive glances at him, looking mightily eager to make eye contact with him.
“I guess I might as well head out then,” Frollo replied with a slightly clipped tone before rising to his feet. He looked briefly towards the temple, anger fleeting over his handsome features as he no doubt thought of Kwazeem. Turning back to me, he stared at me with an unreadable expression. “You have blessed our city this night. On behalf of our citizens and of the peripheral cities, please accept my sincere gratitude. I had wished to present you to our constituents for these Orbs Ceremonies, but I hope it might happen next time. Rest well, Esmeralda, and I will see you on the morning after next.”
With the same disturbing familiarity he had demonstrated before, Frollo took my hand, lifted before him, and kissed my knuckles. I responded with a strained smile but didn’t miss how Phoebus stiffened at this inappropriate behavior which implied a greater degree of intimacy between us than truly existed. Not wanting to make a scene with so many people around us, I pinched my lips and kept quiet again as he turned around to leave.
“Wait!” I shouted after Frollo, suddenly remembering something. “Will you not see to Kwazeem first?”
I winced and mentally kicked myself at the same time his name left my lips. Frollo barely managed to hide his shock. Despite him schooling his features, I’d grown to know him enough since my arrival to recognize the seething anger boiling inside of him. While I didn’t fear for myself—he didn’t own or control me—I worried he might punish Kwazeem for having disobeyed his orders not to speak with me. Frollo had never mentioned Kwazeem’s name in my presence. There was only one way I could know it.
“My gardener has broken every single one of our agreements,” Frollo said between his teeth. “I will deal with him upon my return. In the meantime, he can reap what he sowed.”
“I will not discuss this further. Please, do not meddle in my affairs,” he interrupted me before I could plead on Kwazeem’s behalf.
Without another word, the Praetor turned on his heel and marched towards the dignitaries. They closed in around him like a famished flock of vultures, impatient to bring the Light of Vesta to their respective constituents.
Anger and resentment burned within me that Frollo should so callously deny Kwazeem the assistance he needed. How could he not understand the need for freedom, the thirst to be part of something greater rather than be trapped in eternal isolation? How could he punish him for just wanting to live a little?
Phoebus’s intense gaze on me forced me to rein in my emotions. The High Seraph was far too perceptive. To my relief, he didn’t question me about that last exchange. I would have hated to be forced to lie to him.
“Shall I take you to your quarters then?” Phoebus asked, his expression unreadable.
“Yes, please.”
To my shock, instead of walking by my side the short distance to the temple, Phoebus wrapped his strong arms around me and pressed me against him. With a powerful flap of his wings, he took flight. My hands instinctively clasped behind his neck. His glowing eyes bore into mine as we slowly rose above the plaza. I could barely breathe, not out of fear he would drop me, but intimidated by his intensity. Once more, Phoebus’s breathtaking beauty struck me, with silky golden hair falling to his shoulders, pale blue eyes, a straight, noble nose, and a square jaw. And yet, even with the tingling in my skin provoked by his divine aura, he didn’t stir me the way Kwazeem did.
“You have awakened within me emotions no other female ever has,” Phoebus said with his deep, purring voice that washed over me like a lover’s caress. “In all my years as High Seraph, I’ve never met a Vestal—or any other woman for that matter—who has remained so indifferent to my presence. It is humbling and, in this specific instance, also heartbreaking because you call to me as only a mate would.”
My heart constricted at the candor of his words. “You honor me beyond words, High Seraph.”
He snorted sadly. “And yet, you do not wish to become my consort.”
He’d spoken those words matter-of-factly, without condemnation or bitterness, merely a sad acceptance. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, looking in vain for an appropriate, but gentle response.
“Tell me,” Phoebus continued, “and please be honest. Do I displease you? Do I leave you indifferent? Or is there another?”
I licked my lips nervously as we hovered near the balcony to my room. “Every young woman on Obscura dreams of meeting the High Seraph Phoebus. Like them, I, too, hoped for the tremendous honor to find enough grace in your eyes that you would wish for me as your life companion. You are, in the flesh, beyond even the wildest of my imaginings. You have surpassed all of my expectations.”