Page 12 of The Mist of Stars
“Okay.” Vision Me grows silent, and then she gasps. “Oh my God, no way.” She sounds excited. Way more than I ever have in my life.
“Gemma Lucas, will you marry me?” Vision Alex’s voice shakes as he proposes.
“What?” I hiss way too loudly.
Alex’s eyes widen, and then he snatches my hand and runs, towing me with him.
“Hey!” Vision Alex shouts after us.
Alex quickens our pace, and we barrel out of the forest.
“You’re running from yourself,” I call out to him as we sprint across the field.
“I know,” he throws over his shoulder at me. “Trust me; the last thing we want is to run into me who sees a vision of myself. I’ll probably try to kill us.”
“What?” I blink then shake my head. “What the hell?”
“Look, I know myself, okay?” He veers right and rushes toward a cluster of trees.
“You’re not trying to kill us now.”
“But I know we’re in a vision. That me doesn’t know that.”
He pulls me into the shelter of the trees, and we hunker down behind the largest one. The branches canopy down and dome around us. Neither of us speak, but we’re breathing heavily, and the sound of my heart is pounding in my ears.
“Where did they go?” Vision Alex asks over the sound of snapping twigs.
“I’m not sure.” It’s pretty clear Vision Me is totally confused. “Am I going crazy, or did they look like us?”
“They did,” Vision Alex tells her. “Do you think your foreseer powers pulled us into a vision without us knowing?”
“Foreseer powers?” I mouth, a crease forming between my brows. Then my neck begins to burn. I reach around to touch it?—
One minute, we’re hiding behind the tree, and the next thing I know, we are yanked out. I barely get my footing and almost eat dirt again, but Alex steadies me, this time landing with me.
We’re back in the tower, and everyone is gawking at us like we just sprouted unicorn horns out of our asses.
“Um … Professor G.,” a guy named Gary says, pushing his glasses up the brim of his nose, “was that supposed to happen?”
Professor G., who’s standing over by the wall of glass, shakes his head as he gapes at us. “No, it wasn’t.” He grows silent for a beat before shaking his head again. “Gemma, Alex, come with me.” He pushes the simulator door shut then signals for us to follow him as he strides across the room. “Everyone else, you can take a free period.”
Chatter fills the air, most of it whispers about us. I ignore it the best I can and follow Professor G. out of the room. Alex trails at my heels, his footsteps thudding behind me as we rush down the stairway. When we arrive at the bottom, Professor G. turns right and yanks open the door to his office.
“Get inside—quickly.” He motions for us to enter.
I trade a look with Alex, who mirrors my uneasy confusion. But we both ultimately step inside.
The office is small, with a cluttered desk and a few bookshelves. Professor G. takes a seat at the desk and indicates for us to sit down in the two chairs in front of it. Once we do, he overlaps his hands and studies us.
“Which one of you has foreseer powers?” he asks, sliding his gaze between the two of us.
“Neither of us,” Alex answers for both of us.
Professor G.’s gaze locks on me. “Gemma, your father is a foreseer.”
“I know that.” What’s this guy’s deal? “I don’t have the mark, though.”