Page 45 of The Mist of Stars
“Gemma, I’m being serious,” he stresses, saying my name in his hushed sort of reverence that makes my heart do weird fluttery things. “That goes for every time I’m being a jerk, including toward you.”
I collect the box of food then look him directly in the eye. “Well, maybe you should work on that.”
“I know I should,” he agrees, throwing me for a turn. I assumed he’d argue.
“Well … good.” Now I’m the one to stammer a bit.
“Yep, good,” he agrees, his green eyes searching mine. “Are you ready to get out of here?”
I nod, glancing at Aislin as she closes her box of food. “But where are we going?”
“To where we were supposed to meet up.” He scoots over and stands up. “We’ll follow you guys there. And then we’ll figure out a way to get a hold of this video. Since it’s so late, I’m going to guess no one will find the professor until morning, especially since we locked his door.”
I stand up. “Sure.” I’m all bravado with my casual reply.
The truth is, I’m worried.
About my life falling apart.
About my parents’ MIA status.
And about the fact that, at any moment, I could be arrested for murder.
To add to my worry list, as we leave the diner, I get this unnerving feeling that I’m being watched. Wondering if Henry is still loitering, I cast a glance over my shoulder and scan the tables. I don’t spot Henry, but what I do see makes my stomach plummet into a cold descent of fear.
The blond guy whom I thought was a ghost is sitting in a booth across the diner. He’s alone, no food is on the table in front of him, and he’s casually leaning back with his arms tucked behind his head. When he sees me, his lips curl into a grin and he winks.
I gasp, blinking, and then he’s gone.
“What is it?” Alex asks as he holds the door open for me.
“I …” I look at him then back at the table where the guy was. “I thought I saw the ghost again.”
Alex lowers his hand, letting the door close. Aislin and Laylen are outside, but they pause and questioningly stare back at us through the glass. Alex pays no attention to them as he faces the diner.
“Where?” His gaze is like a hawk seeking its prey as he strategically positions himself in front of me.
I don’t like how much comfort I feel over him being protective of me.
“Over there.” I point at the table where I saw the guy. “But he’s not there anymore. He disappeared into thin air.”
Alex faces me. “Did he see you see him?”
I bob my head up and down while clutching my to-go box. “He smirked and winked at me.”
He pulls a befuddled face. “He sounds like a douche.”
“I think he is a douche,” I say. “But a douche with an agenda. I just don’t know what the agenda is. I know he has answers to this past and present overlapping thing, though. At least, he indicated that.”
Alex reaches over my shoulder and places his hand against the door to push it open. “I don’t like that he’s harassing you and no one else can see him.”
“I’m not making him up,” I feel the need to defend as I step outside into the chilly night air.
“I know you aren’t.” He moves up beside me. “I just don’t like that we can’t see him.”
“Oh.” I hug the box to my chest. “Thanks for believing me.”
His lips start to tug upward when Laylen and Aislin approach us.