Page 39 of Pandion
“I chucked some of it. Some of it I returned to where it belongs in the other rooms. The rest is in those two containers.” Harumine pointed at the two large containers in one corner of the room.
“All of that?”
“Most of it is still around. I only tossed what was obviously trash.”
“Uh, I’m sorry. I suck.” Kagesawa sighed and sat down on his bed next to Harumine.
“No, you have DEFD,” Harumine corrected.
“What does that even mean?” Kagesawa took a swig of beer, put the can down on the floor and leaned back on the bed. Harumine frowned.
“Is that a rhetorical question, or are you seriously asking? Didn’t the doctor explain it to you? He gave you that data chip, didn’t he…?”
“Oh yeah, he did give me something.” Kagesawa started to laugh. Takazaki dared to join him with a chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” Harumine was used to Kagesawa laughing at himself at random times but Takazaki too?
“I’m just imagining what kind of dumbass doctor gives him, a patient with DEFD, a data chip and expects him to read it.” Takazaki’s light chuckle turned into a roar of laughter until he was wiping tears from his eyes. Kagesawa was also still laughing. He even produced the chip from one of his pockets after some rummaging.
“What did you do while you were away? I thought you took time off to take stock of the situation, maybe learn what you can do about it.” Harumine rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Look, I really am sorry. I know I suck.” Kagesawa covered his face with his hands but continued to laugh.
“You seriously don’t know what DEFD means?” Harumine asked, dreading the answer. The acronym was well-known in empath circles because it was one of the most common reasons for rejection from training. Kagesawa shrugged.
“Executive something or other…” He made an effort to stop laughing, but, with Takazaki still failing to do the same, they were feeding off of each other’s stifled snorts and cackles.
Harumine sighed, relented and decided to let them have their fun. He did, however, want to make one thing clear whilst on the subject.
“Listen, since you keep repeating it, I’m going to correct this once and for all: you don’t suck.” Harumine patted Kagesawa’s shoulder. Kagesawa finally stopped laughing and looked at him like he’d said something completely unexpected andunfathomable. Harumine could sense the familiar dark gloom this subject brought out in him.
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t suck. You have DEFD.”
“But I still do those things. Or rather, don’t do the things I’m supposed to. That’s all on me.”
“Taking responsibility is all well and good, but you’re not a shitty person for not being able to do everything that other people do. It’s a neurodevelopmental disorder, not a character flaw. It irks me when you keep beating yourself up like you’d purposely chosen it. Enjoy your beer and have the evening off. You’ve been working hard all day.” Harumine turned to look at Kagesawa, who’d done a 179 from the laughing-fit.
“Are you crying?” Takazaki asked. “Is he crying?”
“Not yet, but so what if he were?” Harumine shot Takazaki a glare. Takazaki recoiled.
“No, nothing wrong with that.”
“You’d probably feel a bit of something had you gone your whole life thinking you’re a worthless loser and someone pointed out you’re not.” Harumine checked the can of beer on the floor. It was nearly empty. He drank the rest of it. “I’ll get you another one.” He got up to go.
“Ah, I’d better take my leave,” Takazaki said and followed Harumine. “Thanks for the beer. I’ll let you know when the video is live.”
“Thanks for all the help. I do appreciate it,” Harumine replied.
“I should be the one thanking you. The both of you. This will be big. One day I’ll tell you the whole of it, but I want to see how it ends first. When we’re done with this, let’s sit down and share stories.”
“All right. I’ll hold you to that.” While Harumine didn’t mind the chance to pick Takazaki’s brain, he was currently moreinterested in figuring out Kagesawa and what was left of their link.
Chapter 16
Kagesawa lay on his bed, waiting for Satoru to return with the beer. He wasn’t in the mood for another, but he’d missed the chance to decline the offer. Oh, right.Does this work? Forget the beer,he tried.