Page 11 of Tooth and Nail
“The LAPD is doing their usual posturing and trying to be dicks about things. They know fighting the I.S.R. isn’t going to get them anywhere, but they stomp around like children anyway.”
Eoghan nodded. “Hopefully, they won’t get in front of the cameras and say anything. They tend to do crap like that when they don’t get their way.”
Chief Priest sighed. “I had a long talk with their captain after the last incident. If he knows what’s good for him, they’ll just shut up and go away. I don’t mind them providing crowd control but having to sanitize more people is going to piss me off.”
Ari cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him. He pointed to the screen. “Sorry, but who’s Derwin?” he asked.
“A shifter we have in WITSEC,” the chief snapped. She looked directly at Eoghan. “Take your partner and get out to the Broad. You can explain things on the way.”
“The Broad is the contemporary art museum in the financial district, right?” Eoghan asked.
She nodded. “Technically, it’s between the financial district and Little Tokyo, actually. Across the street from the L.A. Philharmonic. We need to get him contained as soon as possible before there’s any more exposure to the public. I’ve already sent in two sanitizing teams. Wordy has your weapons in the garage. He informed me you hadn’t made it to the armory on your little tour.”
“But this Derwin guy—”
“Get going, Brown. Your partner will explain on the ride down there.”
“Okay, boss,” Ari said.
Eoghan started back toward the elevator at a jog with Ari close on his heels. As soon as they were inside, he turned to him. “Listen, Derwin isn’t normally dangerous. In human form, he’s the nicest guy you could ever meet but if he shifts, which he’d only do if he was provoked or terrified, things could get ugly. You need to stick right by my side and listen to every fucking thing I say. I’m serious about that, Ari. He could easily kill you if triggered.”
“No problem. I’m totally here to learn and back you up. Just consider me to be at your command.”
Eoghan nodded even as he felt his cock tingle. The very idea of having this big man at his command was intriguing as hell. He took a deep breath, blowing it out slowly as he mentally beat himself up for even thinking things like that about his partner. He was attracted to him and the more he’d talked to him that morning, the more he’d realized it. Figuring, he could be in very unsafe territory if he was stupid enough to act on his feelings, he knew he had to tamp down any and all of those desires or risk fucking everything up. The minute they stepped off the elevator, Wordy approached them with a big smile on his face and a box in his hand.
“Hey, Wordy, meet my new partner, Aristotle Brown. Ari, this is Freddy Wordsmith. Wordy is our weapons specialist and overall badass, gadget guy.”
“Nice to meet you, Wordy. May I call you Wordy?”
“Sure,” the short man said with a wide grin. Wordy only stood about five seven but he was bulky with layers of muscle. Eoghan knew he spent every waking moment at the gym when he wasn’t down in the armory figuring out some new alien technology they’d discovered or making sure their own arsenal was stocked with every available tool to fight the good fight. “I understand Derwin’s causing problems.”
“He’s taken a room full of people hostage at the Broad contemporary art museum,” Eoghan replied.
Wordy frowned. “Shit. That’s a really bad place for him. I mean…areallybad place. Why would he go in there?”
“I’m sure he didn’t break his WITSEC cover or go in there under his own power. Something else is going on here which is why we need you.” Eoghan smiled, wanting to move the conversation along. Wordy’s nickname suited him even though it was a play on his name and not his endless need to converse. He was a talker, but it was probably why he was so well liked around the I.S.R. facility. The man was simply charming. He was also a gifted weapons specialist. Eoghan reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “What have you got for us, buddy?”
“This,” Wordy said, walking over to a nearby table in the garage. They followed. He set down the box and opened the lid, drawing out two sets of gloves. They looked like something utterly medieval. He handed a set to each of them, and gestured for them to try them on, grinning. “Those’ll protect your arms and hands from his stinger if he shifts. I’d give you more but I’m sorry…I’m plum out of full body chainmail.”
Eoghan took the metal gloves, slipping them onto his own hands. They came all the way up past his elbows, making him feel like a cross between a knight of the realm and a debutante. He watched Ari’s amazed expression as he pulled his own gauntlets on, holding them up in front of his face to examine them as he flexed the fingers.
“You’ll also need these,” Wordy continued, passing the metal rods to them. “Only use them if you’re forced to go lethal. They may not look dangerous, but they pack a deadly punch.”
“Is this a bangstick?” Ari asked as he took the weapon and looked it over.
Wordy nodded. “Yep, but this isn’t meant for underwater use. That’s the real deal there. A typical bangstick is equivalent to a twelve-gauge shotgun shell. This one is twice as powerful.” He pointed to the stick which resembled one divers carried to use on sharks or other marine predators if they got too close. “It’ll kill a shifter like Derwin. I really hoped we’d never have to use these.”
“This is alien technology?” Ari asked.
“Shifter tech, yeah.” Eoghan frowned grimly as he nodded to him, shoving the gloves into the backpack Wordy handed him. He watched Ari do the same. “Thanks for these, Wordy.”
Wordy smiled and then held up a finger. “Oh, and you’ll need these too.” He handed them two covered cups.
“Coffee? God, Wordy, you’re the best!”
The older man nodded and saluted. “No problem, Eoghan. Nice to meet you, Brown.”
“Call me Ari,” his partner said.