Page 23 of Tooth and Nail
“Darts which contain a knockout formula which works on their kind,” Eoghan replied. “That’s how I captured John last night. Hit them anywhere on their body and it’s lights out for at least an hour.”
“And, I get those where?”
“Here,” Wordy said, pointing to shelves which had stacks of boxes on them. “We have special dart guns when we know we’re on a rogue vampire hunt and all our vehicles are equipped with ammo. Have you ever seen Supernatural?”
Eoghan watched Ari laugh and nod his head.
“Good. Think of our vehicles as Sam and Dean’s 1967 Chevy Impala. The trunks are all stocked.”
“That’s so cool,” Ari said. He turned to Eoghan. “I love this job.”
Eoghan smiled.
“So, the idea is to go less lethal whenever we can,” his partner concluded.
“Yes, and if you have a question about that, I’ll let you know,” Eoghan said. “And, if for any reason you don’t have a vampire round, there are other ways to kill a vampire…cutting off their head, staking them. You’ll learn on the job.”
“That’s what your partner’s here for,” Wordy said. “Wasting the life of a paranormal just for the sake of wasting them, isn’t our code.”
“Noted,” Ari said.
Wordy moved onto the next drawer. “Werewolf ammunition.”
“Let me guess…silver bullets,” Ari said, laughing. When neither Eoghan nor Wordy laughed, Ari blinked several times. “Oh, shit, really?”
“Yes, these bullets are pure silver.” Wordy tapped the boxes. “Shifters can be killed by regular bullets…most shifters. Derwin was an exception. But, werewolves are a whole different thing. They can only be killed with a silver bullet or restrained using a silver chain. That goes for handcuffs also.” He pointed to the wall where a row of silver cuffs hung. “Werewolves, and those for use on vamps,” he said, pointing to another row. “They’re made three times as strong as human handcuffs. Again, you’ll learn the use of most of these weapons on the job.”
“Okay.” Ari turned and looked at him. “I hope you don’t mind if I take copious notes.”
Eoghan smiled widely. “Not at all.” He looked back at their weapons master. “Show him the right side of the room, Wordy.”
“Sure.” Wordy shut the drawer and walked out of the area, talking as he went. “Now you get to see the real fun stuff and I get to brag a little about this tech and what we have here.”
“Wordy’s brilliant with the technology you’re about to see,” Eoghan said.
“Thanks, Sapphire.”
“What technology is that?” Ari asked.
Wordy turned to look back at him. “Alien tech, Brown. Keep up.”
“Oh…sure…alien technology. I knew that.” Ari said, sounding only slightly nervous. When he turned and looked right at him with comically wide eyes, Eoghan wanted to laugh.
He was really enjoying this man.
Chapter Six
They’d barely walked over to the other side of the room when the phone in Eoghan’s pocket vibrated. He held up a finger, stopping in place, and fished it out. He stared at the screen only a second before swiping it and looked at Ari as he answered.
“Yeah, Chief?”
“Sapphire, I just got the word from the Agency. Have you left the building?”
“No, we’re down in the armory.”
“Good. Load up on vampire ammunition, a couple of dart guns, and get up here.”
“You mean less lethal rounds, right?”