Page 53 of Tooth and Nail
In a matter of minutes, they were back in the Prius, headed into the office.
By the time they got there, it was just after eight in the morning, just as Eoghan had predicted. The chief was waiting for them when they stepped off the elevator on the main level. She looked sharp and professional in her white pantsuit, impeccable hairdo, and white patent leather stiletto heels. She handed Eoghan a file folder a moment after greeting them.
“Do you need to brief us?” he asked.
“Everything you need to know is in there. Oberon and Titania have reached out for help. Two of their offspring are missing and they’d like our help in tracking them. Theysaythey’re sure the triplets are here on Earth, hiding out in the Sequoia Forest.”
Eoghan groaned as he opened the folder, showing four pictures, side by side. He held the folder out for Ari to see, meeting the man’s questioning gaze before pointing down to the two older people pictured in the photos.
“Those two are Oberon and Titania.”
“It sounds like you know them?” Ari asked taking the folder and closely studying the four pictures.
“Yeah, I know them,” he said, unable to keep the growl out of his voice. He couldn’t stand these two and could only imagine their offspring would be a handful as well.
“Who are they?”
“They’re space fairies, named after the largest two of Uranus’ twenty-seven moons,” the chief said. “We’re not sure what planet or star system they come from because they share many of the same traits as their Earth cousins.”
“Space fairies? You’re kidding, right?” Ari looked incredulous, which was funny when Eoghan thought about it.
“The fact that you could yet be surprised by anything you see or hear on this job is still a mystery to me, Deputy Marshal Brown,” she said. “Are you sure you’re suited for a job here?”
“No, ma’am…I mean, yes, of course, I’m suited, ma’am…for a job here…that is.” He lifted a hand and mimed shooting himself in the head.
Eoghan reached out and grabbed his arm, tugging him. “Shutuuup,” he singsonged as he pulled Ari away from her. He glanced back over his shoulder at Priest. “We’re going. Please send us their location.”
“I will,” she said, looking amused as he turned back to face Ari, and drag him toward the elevator. He punched the button before looking at him. “Do you want to keep your job?”
“Then stop challenging everything you’re being told or she’s going to think you’re not suited for it. I’ll explain everything about them as soon as we’re in the car.” Eoghan’s phone buzzed just as the elevator arrived. They stepped into the car as he looked at the GPS coordinates she’d sent. Judging by the numbers, the fairies were somewhere north of their location. He handed his phone to Ari.
“Punch these into your phone so you have them and then map it out for me when we get in the car. We need to stop at the armory before we leave.”
“Do we need fairie weapons or something?” Ari asked sounding really amused.
“Actually, yes.”
Ari’s face fell as he looked up from his phone and caught sight of his expression. “I was kidding. There’s a special weapon for them?”
“To keep them contained if they try to be clever and run away, yeah,” Eoghan said. “It’s called sugar netting and, in some ways, it’s similar to an albat drape, only it’s thrown over them instead of us. At its core, it’s just a fishnet which is dipped in liquid sugar. When they get covered with one, they’re compelled to stop whatever they’re doing to try to lick the sugar off. It sounds disgusting and it’s just as bad as it sounds. They have very long, blue tongues. Hopefully, they won’t be little assholes.”
“Why would they be? Is that their nature or something?” Ari asked, sounding intrigued, opening the folder he still held and looking at the photos again as if trying to memorize their appearances.
Eoghan watched the lit numbers change as they dropped to the garage level. He blew out a long, slow breath. “You have absolutely no idea what assholes these two can be.”
Chapter Fourteen
After picking up rolls of sugar netting which was kept in a sleeve to keep the sticky stuff contained, duffels with spare clothes from their lockers, and regular ammunition for their Glocks, they headed out of the garage in a Charger Rick Tooley had waiting for them. Once they were on the road, headed for Bakersfield where they were scheduled to meet with the two space fairies, Eoghan launched into an explanation of the creatures.
“So, you wanted to know about Oberon and Titania,” Eoghan stated, shooting a glance at Ari.
“Yeah, tell me about them and why you hate them.”
He looked back at the road, heading for the freeway. The drive to Bakersfield was a long one and they were scheduled to meet them at noon. He had every intention of beating the couple to the truck stop where they’d asked to meet because he didn’t trust the pair at all and wanted time to scope out the environs, before sitting down with them.