Page 76 of Tooth and Nail
“The beauty of overnight express.” He became self-conscious again. “I mean, I could send them back or I could show you and you could decide. Either way…aw, hell…would you like to see them or—”
“YES!” Ari practically shouted before Eoghan had even gotten the sentence out of his mouth. He groaned. “Can I please, please, please open my eyes now? Please?”
“One second.” He leaned over and switched on the bedside table lamp which offered low lighting in the room. “Okay, go ahead, open your eyes,” Eoghan said, feeling self-conscious. Ari had seen him in the others but they’d practically been fucking at the time and those had been black. These…were very different.
Ari’s eyes sprang open and he instantly lowered his gaze to the lace boy shorts with the black bows. “Holy fuck, Eoghan,” he gasped out. He looked up at him. “They’re purple.”
“Violet actually,” Eoghan replied. “Do you like them?”
“Oh, my lord.” He reached for his already hard erection and grabbed the base. “I swear to God, I’m gonna need a cock ring.”
Eoghan smirked, shifting his weight from side to side before looking up at him, feeling the hot blush staining his cheeks as they began to flame. “I—Iah…aw, hell…do you want one?”
“You have a cock ring?”
Eoghan snorted, stepping back and walking around to his side of the bed. “I’m a warm-blooded gay man. What do you think?” He reached for the drawer before stopping and looking up. “Sorry. I mean, no…why would I have a cock ring?”
Ari started laughing. He patted the bed. “Later. I need to get inside you right now. I don’t think a cock ring or anything else is going to stop my climax at this point.” He seemed to be holding onto his dick harder than he’d realized. “Climb up on the bed and let me get in that tight ass. The first time might go quick, but we’ve got all night, haven’t we?”
“Yep, we’ve got all night long,” Eoghan said, climbing onto the bed. He grabbed a bottle of lube and condoms from the drawer and tossed them onto the bed before crawling onto it on his hands and knees. Ari rolled over, moving up behind him and placing both hands on his butt cheeks. When he started pulling them apart, he heard a quick intake of breath as he got a look at the design of the shorts. Eoghan knew he was seeing the three-inch slit which began just about halfway up his taint from the top of his balls, past his hole, stopping beneath the waistband, allowing anyone who wanted to spread him wide and yet leave the lace covering his ass in place.
When he’d seen them on a mannequin on the website where he bought his manties, he’d been instantly attracted to them. But he’d never purchased them because he’d been coming straight out of his relationship with Kellen and that had dimmed his pleasure in wearing anything “girly” as the man had tried to tell him, for a long time.
Ari ran his fingers over the slit in the undergarments. “I’m gonna get these all dirty with lube.”
“I was kind of hoping you’d get them all dirty with your spunk,” he said, smiling at him over his shoulder. Ari immediately leaned over him and took his mouth, kissing himuntil he couldn’t breathe. When Bear suddenly let out a deep-throated, plaintive wail from outside the door, Eoghan shook his head, wishing the boy wouldn’t be such a big crybaby. He went on these late-night howling sprees every now and then but hearing him going at it the way he was now, was just crappy timing. He’d do his best to ignore the protesting cat and his unfortunate howls.
“Please, get inside me, baby. The’ll be plenty of time for me to scold my cat and for you to admire them later. Lube and condoms are right there.”
A second later, Eoghan heard the rip of the package, then the snick of the lube top, and finally Ari’s fingers slid between his cheeks. He realized he was doing whatever he could to avoid getting the underwear slippery but it didn’t matter. He’d been serious. He washed all his lacy things by hand and he had a whole drawer full of sexy underwear. Almost as quickly as he’d begun slicking him up, Ari had completed the task, entering him slowly. Eoghan wouldn’t have cared if he’d have gone in faster than average. He loved being stretched by the head of a hard cock, especially one as wide and perfect as Ari’s.
“You okay, baby?” Ari asked as soon as he was fully seated.
“It’s good,” he said with an exhale. “Go ahead and move whenever you’re ready.”
“Like I said, Eoghan, I’ll try to go slow but I’m not sure I’ll be able to.”
“I’m fine. Do your worst.”
Ari groaned again and began fucking him, holding onto his ass as he gripped it through the lace. “Jesus, you have no idea how fucking sexy you look in these things, Eoghan,” he said. His pace increased. “How am I gonna look at you without thinking of this exact moment?”
Bear howled from the hallway again, and Eoghan groaned, trying to ignore it. He reached under himself with one hand and began stroking his cock, loving the way Ari was working him over, having set up a punishing rhythm. To his credit, the man didn’t lose a beat, continuing the rapid climb to orgasm his lover set. He was brutal with his thrusts, slamming into Eoghan over and over. He absorbed every thrust, pummeled hard, and he adored it. The cat howled again, letting out a distracting deep throated display of something which sounded almost angry. When Ari finally grunted and gripped his hips tightly, Eoghan knew he was about to finish.
“Oh my God!” Ari howled as he matched Bear’s insistent cry from outside the door as he throbbed deep inside Eoghan’s body. Eoghan poured his come onto the soft sheets as his lover emptied everything he had inside the condom. When he collapsed over him a few seconds later, he could only groan. Bear howled again.
“What the fuck is wrong with him?” Ari gasped, panting as he tried to recover.
“Who the fuck knows? He’s never been this needy before.” Then again, he’d never brought anyone home. “I never had him spayed. I know I should’ve since he was a stray who found me but damn, I never had him fixed. I need to have that done.”
Bear let out a deep throated howl, ending on a long bellow which had clearly come deep from his chest.
“Fuck!” Ari griped, clearly annoyed.
“I’ll deal with it,” Eoghan remarked, grumpily. All he wanted to do was to fall asleep beside the best man he’d ever known, and instead he was stuck with dealing with his cat’s total bullshit. He rolled away from Ari who’d just disposed of the filled condom. When he opened the door, feeling onlymildly self-conscious from the jizz sprayed all over his body, the lube dripping from between his still-clad lacy underwear, he was totally shocked by what he saw.