Page 36 of Blood and Bone
“You’re so fucking tight, Eoghan,” he whispered into his ear. “I swear, I’ll never get enough of your body.”
Eoghan pushed back as far as he could, grasping the headboard tightly, moaning at the restriction. Ari couldn’t help but smile, liking the way his lover reacted to the virtual bonds and decided this subject was going to require a much more thorough examination back home. When he hesitated, Eoghan growled.
“Fuck me, Ari…come on.”
The whine in his voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he began fucking him in earnest, dragging moans and growls out of Eoghan, thoroughly enjoying every single sound.He felt his climax rapidly approaching and held on as he pumped into him, getting closer with each thrust. When he could hold back no more, he reached around, taking Eoghan’s poor, neglected cock in hand. His entire shaft was silky with precome and it didn’t take more than a couple of strokes before Eoghan was shouting.
Hearing his cry was all it took for Ari to come. “Eoghan!” he yelled as he felt his lover’s cock throbbing in his grip. Seconds later, he was emptying himself into the condom buried in his ass as he felt Eoghan’s hot come pouring over his knuckles. His entire body trembled above Eoghan as he rode out his climax until it finally tapered away. When he could breathe again, Ari slowly pulled out, grasping the condom and lowering his forehead to rest on Eoghan’s lower back as his heartbeat slowed to normal. It took a while to recover.
“Ari, you need to move,” Eoghan whispered.
He woke as if from a kind of dream state, realizing that he’d pinned Eoghan in place with his weight. “Oh, fuck,” he said, letting go of Eoghan’s softening cock and leaning back, still holding onto the condom. “I’m so sorry, baby. You just…I lost my mind for a second.” He slid off the bed as Eoghan laughed, rolling over to his ass and looking completely fucked out, cheeks flushed, body loose and relaxed, smiling like an idiot. The expression was utterly contagious, and Ari grinned back at him as he turned and headed for the bathroom. “Be right back!” he called over his shoulder as he stepped into the motel bathroom to deal with the messy condom.
When he came back into the room with a warm, wet washcloth for his lover just two minutes later, he found Eoghan curled up on his side in the fetal position with the covers pulled up. His hands were folded on the pillow, cheek resting on them prayerfully, and he was sound asleep. Aricould do nothing but smile at the sight. He stopped by the side of the bed, debating whether to wake him so he could clean up, but he didn’t have the heart to do it. Eoghan had driven all day and most of the night, and Ari knew he had to be exhausted.
He jogged back to the bathroom and dropped the washcloth in the sink, briefly staring at himself in the mirror, before shutting off the light. When he slid into bed behind Eoghan and took him into his arms, the man sighed in his sleep, settling against him as if he were made to be the little spoon. Not knowing what would happen in the morning, Ari decided to make the most of having his man in his arms, so close their hearts beat as one.
Early the next morning, Ari regretted all the nice things he’d been thinking about Eoghan when the man woke him up before dawn to tell him they were going to jog down to the coffee shop and grab a brew rather than get into their nice, cushy car and point it in the same direction.
“You’re going to die if you don’t get any exercise, Ari,” Eoghan said as he stood at the side of the bed with his hands on his hips.
“Mmffmm,” he said, face buried beneath the pillow. Seconds later it was ripped off his head and he stared bleary-eyed at the beautiful man looming over him, looking well rested, wearing workout gear, and ready to rock and roll.
“I didn’t hear what you said,” Eoghan said with a schmoopy grin.
Ari narrowed his eyes as he rolled onto his back and crossed his arms over his chest. “I said, you’re going to die if you make me jog at—” He turned to look at the clock before groaning in outrage. “Zero dark thirty!” He punched the pillow, though, his heart really wasn’t in the protest.
“It’s five. Get your ass out of bed, you lazy Ranger.”
“Fuck you, Marine!” he said. There wasn’t any heat behind the words and judging by the grin on Eoghan’s face, he knew it.
“Get up or I’ll—” A second later, Eoghan jumped on him and shrieked. “Tickle you until you give in.” He started tickling Ari which immediately made him laugh uproariously and try to buck him off the bed. Eoghan knew being tickled was kryptonite to Ari, the thing he both hated more than anything, and feared the most.
“Stop it!” he screamed, wrestling with Eoghan, trying to trap his wrists to stop his fingers from digging into his sides, gasping with laughter all the while. “Stop, Eoghan! Stop or I’ll kill you!” he screamed.
Eoghan laughed like an idiot, unyielding in his torture as he tickled him relentlessly, pinning him to the bed with his surprising strength.
“Are you gonna get up?” Eoghan asked, tickling him madly.
“Yes! Yes! Fine, I’ll get up, Eoghan! Stop!” Ari cried out, laughing as Eoghan finally gave up the fight and rolled off him. Ari lay on the bed, gasping, holding a hand over his naked chest, breaths sawing in and out of his lungs as he tried his best to recover. This was not the way he expected to be woken up in the morning after he’d fallen asleep so sweetly, sexed out and happy, curled up with his best friend. The very idea brought a smile to his face; he rolled to his side and reached out, cupping Eoghan’s smiling cheek.
“I—I…thank you, Eoghan. You make me really, very happy,” he said, barely dodging the L-O-V-E confession which had been on the tip of his tongue.
Eoghan smiled angelically at him. “You make me happy too, Ari…more happy than I can say.”
Chapter Ten
After their morning run and showers, Eoghan and Ari drove the rest of the way to Tahoe and then stopped at a bakery which claimed to make the world’s best coffee. As far as Ari was concerned, that offer was too tempting to pass up. They picked up tall cups of the warm brew and bran muffins which looked delicious. Eoghan insisted that there was no time like the present for them to start eating better and admitted he’d become lax over the past few years. When the muffins and coffee didindeedlive up to the bakery’s promise, Ari wasn’t about to argue with the logic. He realized that Eoghan was right.
In Lexington he’d had a regular exercise routine broken up only by outings to the gun range and the occasional visit to a local paintball field with his buddies from the office. That entailed a lot of running and was great exercise. He never worried about what he ate because he burned it off. And when he went home every Sunday for dinner, his mama always cooked up a pan of cornbread flavored with bacon grease to go along with the best fried chicken he’d ever tasted. Since joining the I.S.R., Ari had come to the conclusion that he was going to have to carve out time to exercise and try to adhere to a better diet. Being on the road all the time, would eventually kill them both if they weren’t careful.
“It’s so pretty here in spring,” he said, glancing over at Eoghan whose cheeks were blushing red from the cold air coming into the car from the window he had cracked. Eoghan’s complexion was pale, and he always flushed that sweet shade of pink whenever he was cold, exercising, or busy withhim between the sheets…the latter activity, being a personal favorite of Ari’s.
Eoghan glanced down at their cell phones sitting in the cup holder. Ari knew he was probably making sure their Faraday cages were in place. They’d shut off their phones and disabled them before even turning around. The chief would be able to get a hold of them on one of the burners if she really needed to. “I’ve always loved Tahoe. The lake is creepy as shit, but the mountains and scenery are beautiful.”
Ari chuckled. “Why is the lake creepy as shit?”