Page 54 of Blood and Bone
“I’m ashamed to give voice to it,” the vampire said, looking out the window at the darkness.
Ari noticed that his eyes glowed red when he glanced back. “We won’t share the real reason you’re in prison with anyone.”
“I believe you, Marshal. I will say this…barely anyone in my clan knows the truth but my mate and a few members of my clan.” Champayne looked at his lap where he twisted his hands together nervously. “It’s too shameful to admit and in truth—” He glanced up again. “It took a very long time for my dear Victoria to accept my little…eccentricities.”
“We’re not going to pass judgment on you,” Eoghan said. “Please tell us.”
“I’m a…peculiar man. You might even say I’m a sexual deviant.” He rushed to clarify. “I’m not a rapist…just a deviant. In human culture it’s no big deal but in vampire culture, it’s just not done. I’m afraid that’s all I can say about it.” He wrung his hands together. “Please, don’t make me elaborate. Idopromise it’s nothing violent or non-consensual.”
That surprised Ari. He hadn’t known any vampires other than John Townsend, but it seemed to him like Champayne calling himself a sexual deviant was strong language.
“So, you were jailed for…this unspoken deviance which you think is so horrible?” Eoghan asked, sounding just as surprised as Ari.
“Indeed. I was tried and sentenced to serve my time here.”
“I’m confused,” Ari said. “You just said only a few people are aware of why you went to prison.”
“Yes, the vampire with…whom I was engaged during the act, died before the trial so he couldn’t tell his story. I can’t imagine he’d want to.” He sighed deeply. “It’s all very embarrassing and really, it was quite innocent.”
“And they convicted you anyway,” Ari said.
“Unfortunately, yes. The few people in my clan who knew other than the witness who died—two other clan leaders, and my mate—wanted me punished…but not severely. You see, the Champayne name is powerful in my clan. As I told you, I have gold mines which have made not only me but my clan rich over the years. To explain my imprisonment, they told the rest of my clan that I brokehumanlaws when I drank from an unregistered donor. They explained that the humans found out so there would have to be punishment at Folsom. It was a complete fabrication which was nevertheless, humiliating.”
“How does that work?” Ari asked, looking at Eoghan.
“The whole human donor thing.”
“Oh, well, humans sometimes volunteer to feed vampires. Some charge the vampires a rate which is agreed upon by both parties and some don’t charge any money at all. I’ve never fed a vampire, but I hear that it can be an intensely sexual experience,” Eoghan explained.
Ari looked over at Champayne. “I can confirm that,” the vampire replied with an almost innocent smile. Ari glanced back at Eoghan as he continued.
“Part of the I.S.R.’s mandate is to make sure that human donors are protected. The way to do that is to be registered which comes along with fingerprinting and regular health checks.”
“Okay, I get it. That’s why the I.S.R. registers the humans,” Ari concluded.
Eoghan nodded. “They actually register with the Agency. That way we can monitor them and make sure that they survive. It protects vampires and humans alike.”
“I have a question about that,” Ari said, frowning a little as he glanced at the vampire in the backseat. “How do humanseven know about vampires?” He looked back at Eoghan. “Isn’t the whole paranormal world supposed to be hidden?”
Before Eoghan could reply, Champayne chuckled. “Trust me, my boy, humans are curious by nature. Vampires are on TV inTrue Blood. They’re portrayed in multiple movies. There’s always been a mystery around us, so it naturally follows that people curious about us, would seek us out. There are bars which cater to the more…shall we say, fetishistic crowd who want to meet a ‘real’ vampire. Most of the people who go to those establishments are—of course—fakers but some are like me, true vampires on the hunt for human blood.”
“On the hunt sounds ominous,” Ari said.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about me. Smith gave me my evening ration of blood just before you arrived to collect me. I won’t be biting you, Marshal Brown, or your handsome partner.”
Ari nodded. “Good to know, Champayne, and thanks for the explanation.”
“My pleasure.” The vampire smiled.
“So, whatever you don’t want to talk about was what you were sent away for.”
“And your tribe—sorry—clan, said your crime was this unregistered human donor violation.”