Page 6 of Blood and Bone
She came to a stop in front of them as marshals and support staff parted like the Red Sea, making way for her faster than Ari could say Moses.
Eoghan turned and looked up into his face, and Ari read the dismay in his eyes even before he had a chance to open his mouth.
He glanced at Priest as she bent over and held out a hand for Kellen who was grumbling as he ignored her hand and got to his feet unaided.
“Are you okay, McGillis?” she asked.
He stood tall and brushed off his sleeves like he could remove the shame of being knocked on his ass by a man a few inches shorter than he was. He glanced at her and then turned to scowl at Ari and Eoghan before looking back at the chief.
“I’m fine, ma’am,” he said brusquely. “I slipped and fell.”
“I saw what happened, McGillis,” the chief said. She turned and pointed at Eoghan who stood there looking red in the face. “Deputy Marshal Sapphire hit you. Would you like to lodge a formal complaint?”
“That’s—” Eoghan began before she reeled on him, pointing a finger at him.
“If I were you, I’d shut up, Sapphire.” She turned back to Kellen who was standing rigid and tall, looking downright furious as he shot daggers at them.
He turned his attention back to her. “I slipped and fell, ma’am. Sapphire attempted to catch me and failed.”
“McGillis…that’s not what happened. I have eyes in my head.”
“That’s what happened, ma’am. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.” Without another word, he pivoted and walked out of the café.
Priest watched him leave and then spun to face the two of them. “You’d better watch yourself, Eoghan. I don’t know what kind of beef you have with McGillis, but it ends now.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Eoghan replied sheepishly.
“What are you two doing here anyway? I told you Wordy was waiting for you in the armory.”
“We were just getting a sandwich for the road,” Ari said lamely. He grabbed Eoghan’s sleeve. “But I’m not hungry after all. Let’s go, Eoghan.”
“Good idea, Brown,” she said, glaring at the two of them as they stepped out of line and headed for the exit, ignoring stares with their heads down. Behind them, murmurs and the clink of dinnerware started up again as the onlookers went back to eating.
“Quit pulling me!” Eoghan protested, shaking his hand off.
“Then, walk faster,” Ari said. “I can feel her eyes burning into my back.”
They were silent until they got to the elevator and only after they were taking it to the administrative level where the armory was located, did Ari breathe a sigh of relief. With his back to the elevator wall, he silently watched Eoghan whosegaze was fixed on a spot on the floor. He unconsciously opened and closed his fist and Ari noticed reddened knuckles with a smirk he did his best to hide.
“What did you think you were doing back there?”
Eoghan looked up at the question, frowning at him. His blue eyes were stormy and unsettled. “He pissed me off. I couldn’t let him talk to you like that.”
“He’s a total asshole,” Ari said. “Why did you let him get under your skin? They’re just words, Eoghan.”
Eoghan sighed. “I didn’t like the idea of him talking to you like that. It’s so…disrespectful.”
“And guess what? I’m a big boy.” Ari reached out and squeezed Eoghan’s forearm, noting the rigid muscles. He was wound tighter than a bowstring. He stepped forward and pulled his stiff frame into his arms, hugging him hard for a few seconds before he finally relaxed. As the elevator dinged and the doors swished open, he let go. They stepped out into the busy administration offices filled with desks and cubicles and headed toward the back of the room. “It sounds like he was always an asshole so don’t let anything he says get under your skin. I have a feeling he wasn’t coming on to me so much as trying to piss you off.”
“Well, he succeeded,” Eoghan grumbled.
“And you almost got yourself suspended,” Ari replied. “My guess is that the chief overlooked the incident because you’re such a good marshal and she’s shorthanded.”
“And McGillis has a reputation in the building.”
Ari turned to look at him as they approached the armory. “What do you mean?”