Page 67 of Blood and Bone
“That’s right, Ari!” Eoghan gasped. “Ahh, ahh, right there—”
Ari pumped in and out hard as he watched Eoghan’s face and the lust he found in his eyes. He took hold of his own cock and begin to stroke it. Ari homed in on it, unable to pull his attention away from the sexy show Eoghan was putting on for him. The slit was already leaking precome, the scent of it rising between them, filling his senses, driving him ever closer to his own release. “That’s it, baby,” he panted between thrusts. “Give me that show I want and come all over yourself.”
“Oh, God,” Eoghan gasped, jacking himself faster as he stared into Ari’s eyes. His face was flushed with two bright red flags of color on his cheeks. He looked so unbelievably sexy and the way his entire body was slick with sweat made him look even more enticing. He wanted to lick every single drop. He moaned loudly. “Gonna come, Ari.”
“That’s it. Come for me, Eoghan,” Ari gasped as he felt his own climax fast approaching. When Eoghan shut his eyes and arched his back, Ari let loose, watching Eoghan’s orgasm even as his own climax washed over him, making his entire body shake as he emptied his release deep into Eoghan’s body. Eoghan’s come splashed over his own abs as he cried out his name. Ari watched in fascination as come shot out of his slit and landed on his abs forming creamy puddles there.
As he finally came down from his intense climax, he sagged over Eoghan, waiting for him to finish before pulling out of him slowly. He dipped his head so he could take his lover’s dick into his mouth and suck the remaining droplets from it before licking up several drops from his belly as Eoghan looked on and tried to slow his breathing.
When he’d calmed his own heart, he rolled off Eoghan, flopping to his back for a few seconds before reaching for a box of Kleenex on the nightstand and handing some to Eoghan before dealing with the full condom. He threw it away before resuming his place at his lover’s side. Ari stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before Eoghan rolled into his side and rested his head on his shoulder as Ari pulled him close. He looked down at him and smiled.
“I love making love to you, baby,” he whispered against his forehead. He ran a hand slowly down Eoghan’s side, tracing the muscles beneath the silky, smooth surface of his skin. “You’re so responsive to my touch.”
Eoghan let out a mewling sound, and Ari smiled against his skin as Eoghan attempted to burrow closer to him, throwing one leg across his and insinuating it between his own. Ari held him closer, bending to take his lips in a slow, sensuous kiss, lazily playing with his tongue until sleep called to him. He let go, pulled Eoghan tighter into his side, and shutting out the lamp before falling into a deep sleep.
Ari came awake in the same position hours later when his phone chimed. He pulled away from his sleeping partner, watching Eoghan roll to his side before picking up his cell and spotting the new email message. He wasn’t surprised in the least when it read: “Meet at Slim Daddy’s BBQ in Redding at 5:00 a.m.” He noted the time. Four forty.
He sat up, then leaned over to wake Eoghan. “Get up, Eoghan. I just got an email from the dragons. They want to meet in twenty minutes. We need to go.”
Eoghan sat up in bed and looked over at him, blinking several times, probably not even realizing what the hell he was talking about. Sure enough, when he looked down at thephone he was holding and then over at the clock, Ari knew he was confused.
“Get up. The dragons emailed and they’re meeting us in twenty minutes.”
Eoghan shot out of bed so fast, he nearly tripped over himself as Ari did his best to suppress a laugh. After he’d unwound himself from the sheet he’d dragged onto the floor, he headed for the bathroom, emerging a minute later with his shaving kit in hand, still naked. “Where are my clothes?”
Ari grinned and pointed to the floor where he’d dropped them the night before as he pulled his own clothes on. He watched Eoghan walk over to them, huffing his displeasure at not picking them up the night before and folding them. Normally, Eoghan was a stickler for such things, so this just proved to Ari how tired he’d been. With the incident earlier in the day, they’d both been exhausted. And the road was a lot of things, not all of it unpleasant but sitting in the car for hours on end, looking at the passing road signs could definitely be counted among Ari’s least favorite things to do. At least he hadn’t been the one driving. He made a promise to himself that he’d drive back to L.A. Of course, those plans were predicated upon them finishing their business with the dragons and John Townsend. Hopefully, they were going to make progress when they met with them.
They drove into the parking lot of Slim Daddy’s BBQ a few minutes after five. Eoghan parked the Charger and they got out, looking around the dark tarmac. Ari didn’t see a damned thing.
There wasn’t another car in the place. He pulled out his phone to double check they weren’t more than a couple of minutes late and reassured, he slipped the phone back in his pocket, making sure the Faraday cage was in place first.
The moon hung low in the sky and the sun hadn’t yet come up. Ari had a fleeting vision of two terrifying dragons flying into Redding under the cover of darkness and landing their big, scaly butts in the parking lot of a barbeque joint right under the nose of the restauranteur. He grinned to himself as he realized why the fire breathers had chosen the Slim Daddy’s parking lot to begin with. Well, at least they had a sense of humor or irony or both. Maybe they wouldn’t be so scary after all.
Ari heard the crunch of gravel behind him and he and Eoghan whirled around just in time to see a tall man coming their way. He was accompanied by another man, equally as tall. They were striding toward them from fifty feet away but oddly, when Ari glanced around, he saw nothing to indicate how they’d arrived. At this time of the morning, there were virtually no cars on the road. They’d both been listening for their approach. It was still too dark to see very well, other than to make out shapes. He looked up at the restaurant sign which was stuck at the top of a pole and noted it was also dark. When he glanced at the restaurant itself, a sign on the front door indicated it was vacant with a realtor’s number listed for showings.
Quickly realizing that they’d been led to a dark parking lot of a shuttered barbeque restaurant, he felt stupid for not doing further checking into the place online. What if this was a trap which they’d now pay for with blood? He looked back at the men, noting that they were both dark haired, wearing black coats and cargo pants of the same hue. They had long legs, sauntering along as if they hadn’t a care in the world and so much in sync, they appeared almost choreographed. Now, twenty feet away, he could make out features of their faces and once again, noticed the similarity between them. Both had high cheekbones, square jaws, prominent, straight noses,and stubbled chins. At a distance, they wore almost harsh expressions with full lips pressed thinly.
They came to a full stop at the same instant, ten feet away, crossing long arms over their chests. Ari judged them to each be several inches over six feet, maybe more, if he were judging by his own height of six three since they were taller than him.
“Good morning,” Eoghan said. “I’m Eoghan Sapphire and this is my partner, Ari Brown.” He held out his wallet, flipping it open to show his ID with the star. The two dragons didn’t even glance at it, instead staring at them. As he went to reach for his own credentials, the circles around their irises flashed a brilliant orange where Ari would have expected violet ones to be. Every shifter he’d met so far had the brilliant violet glow surrounding their eyes, becoming more pronounced either right before they attacked or were aroused in some other highly emotional state. He stopped several inches from his pocket, holding his empty hand out.
“I was only reaching for my star so I could show it to you.”
“Show me,” the one on the left said.
Ari did as he was asked, moving slowly and deliberately as he pulled out his wallet, flipping it open, and holding it out to show his marshal’s badge with his I.S.R. ID right beside it. They didn’t look at it either, instead just staring at him. Ari found that odd and he briefly wondered how good their eyesight had to be to see it in the dark using peripheral vision. When the one on the right nodded, Ari replaced his badge and waited.
“I am Invictus,” the one on the right said. “This is Severin.”
“Thank you for meeting us,” Eoghan replied. “I understand you spoke to my chief.”
“Yes,” Invictus said.
“We do not know why,” Severin said.
“I’ll explain,” Eoghan said. “We were recently in Tahoe with Chief of Police Joe Two Trees and his deputy, Alo Uwaite.”