Page 19 of Flesh and Fury
“I’m wondering if the wolves who carried Oscar Garcia and Edward Walters out were even Alvin Walters’ men at all. I’m gonna take a piss and then call Priest.”
He headed for the bathroom as Ari looked down at his phone again. Carly texted that Deputy Chief Washington called her and her partner early that morning, relaying much the same information they’d just received. They’d been told that Garcia had been killed in a car accident but also said her chief knew nothing more than that.
Eoghan walked out of the bathroom with the phone on his ear and black lacy underwear covering Ari’s favorite eye candy. “Yes, ma’am. We’ll call you as soon as we know any more.” He paused. “Yes, ma’am. I promise. We’ll be careful.” He paused. “And thank you, ma’am.” He swiped the phone and looked over at him.
Ari smirked at him, and Eoghan smiled when he left his phone on the bed and walked over to him. He dropped a soft kiss on his lips, sliding his hands over Eoghan’s soft, lacy underwear.
“You look fucking sexy in these,” he whispered against his lover’s lips.
Eoghan smiled against them. “Thank you but they’re not for you. Not now, babe. We’ve got work. They’re all I had in my clean bag.”
Ari snorted and reluctantly let go of his ass but not before giving it a firm squeeze with both big hands. “What did Priest say?”
“She said Deputy Chief Washington will be overseeing this mess since he’s in this neck of the woods. I guess Priest is required to stay there in L.A. Personally, I think she’s making a mistake. It’s not like it’s a huge responsibility or anything…only all of California.” He glanced over at Ari and smirked. “Haha. That deserves a little laugh, right?”
“Nope,” Ari said, smirking right back.
“Fine. Anyway, Priest said Washington is already on the way to Bishop to meet us. He’s been on the road since five-thirty and wants to meet at Ma’s Coffee Shoppe in Bishop along with Carly and Evan,” Eoghan said.
“Okay, we’d better shower and get over there as soon as possible,” Ari replied, heading toward the bathroom.
“I don’t think we have time for showers, Ari,” Eoghan said.
Ari stopped and pivoted, rolling his eyes at him. “Are we going to come into contact with any werewolves today? Because if the answer is yes, then I need a shower. My ass smells like come and so does your dick along with the rest of you.” He waved his hand up and down to indicate all the places Ari’s come had painted his body when Eoghan had fucked him senseless last night. “Under a black light, you’d light up like the Northern Lights, my man.” He pointed at Eoghan’s cock. “Unless you want them knowing exactly where that’s been and what we are to each other with overwhelming certainty, I suggest we take showers”
Eoghan made a shooting gesture with his finger gun. “Right you are, sir.” He practically ran to catch up with Ari’s long strides on his way to the bathroom.
By the time they got to Ma’s Coffee Shoppe, it was almost six-thirty, but they were fully showered and shouldn’t smell too ripe to any werewolves they might come into contact with over the next few hours. The hostess led them to a table at the back of the restaurant where three people sat. Surprisingly, it was the youngest of the three who stood up and introduced himself as Deputy Chief Harlan Washington.
“Nice to meet y’all. Please call me Harlan. These two are my marshals,” he said in a deep Texas twang. “That’s Carly Rusch and that there’s Evan Chastin.”
“Chastain, boss,” the marshal corrected. He smiled and reached for Ari’s hand, shaking it in a friendly manner.
“Ari Brown,” Ari said. He glanced at Eoghan. “This is my partner, Eoghan Sapphire.” He turned to the woman with the mousy brown hair. She looked older than the thirty she’d admitted to when talking to Eoghan. He shook her hand and watched Eoghan shake all around.
“Let’s have a seat,” Washington said. “We ordered eggs and toast. Anyone else?”
“How are the biscuits and gravy here?” Ari asked.
Washington smiled. “The best in town. We always come here when we drive to Bishop.” He waved a waitress over and they gave their orders. Everyone was quiet as she walked over to the serving station and picked up the coffeepot. After filling their cups, she went off to take other orders.
“Carly here filled me in on the trouble from last evenin’. You two came out of it relatively unscathed.” Washington gestured at Ari’s eye. “That from the scuffle?”
Ari nodded. “Yeah. We both jumped in not knowing they were werewolves.”
“Well, that was right stupid,” Washington drawled.
“Boss, they didn’t know the Mountain Rambler was a werewolf establishment,” Carly said.
“We both know we screwed up, Chief,” Eoghan said. “But that’s behind us. Can you tell us what happened to Oscar Garcia? That’s why we’re all here.”
Ari shook off the tension he’d been feeling from being called stupid, happy that Eoghan jumped in when he did.
The chief nodded at Eoghan and then turned to Ari, reaching across the table to shake his hand. “Sorry ‘bout what I said.” After Ari shook his hand, he turned to Eoghan. “All business,huh? Well, that’s okay with me. So, we got a call from the granddaughter, Carmen, this mornin’. She was in tears. Said her granddaddy was behind the wheel last night when they was run off the highway by a big semi. They ended up in a ditch and rolled over. Oscar got his neck broke and she survived by some sort of a miracle. Maybe it were the baby. They say them werewolves are real strong when they’re carryin’ young. Don’t know.”
“They got run off the road by a semi?” Ari asked. “What did the driver have to say for himself?”
“The fella didn’t stick around,” the chief said. “Damned bad luck.”