Page 23 of Flesh and Fury
“Inside,” she said, moving toward the door before looking back at the tall Alpha. “My chief, my partner, Evan Chastain, Alvin Walters, and his grandson, Edward.”
Eoghan was sure he noticed the ghost of a smile crossing Juan’s face before he sobered and nodded. “Good,” Juan said.“Let’s get this negotiation over with tonight. No one wants war.”
Eoghan exchanged a glance with Ari who looked as relieved to hear that as he felt. He did wonder how Tyler had known where they were. Tracking her phone maybe. They entered the restaurant which wasn’t large. As soon as they did, the unmistakable smell of thick cigarette smoke billowed out at them, followed by the scent of greasy food. He couldn’t decide whether it was coming from the dark brown, patterned carpet or the yellowing paint on the ancient walls wherever paneling wasn’t present. The place was loud with the constant chattering of patrons and the sound of coins dropping into metal dishes attached to the slot machines.
Juan leaned down to say something in Carmen’s ear and she looked up at him before shaking her head. She noticed Eoghan watching and leaned close to talk so she could be heard over the din.
“My brother would like to get the others and go to a different place. He’s afraid this smell isn’t good for the baby and it’s so loud, he’s not sure we’d be able to be heard in here. Would that be okay with you?”
“That sounds great,” Eoghan practically yelled to be heard over the noise.
“There’s another place which has outdoor seating and really good food,” she said before pointing. “Is that Alpha Walters?”
Eoghan turned and spotted four people approaching. Alvin, his grandson, Edward, Deputy Chief Washington, and Carly’s partner, Evan. They all shook hands and then Juan leaned close to Alvin.
“Would it be okay with you if we went somewhere else?”
“We were going to suggest the same thing,” Walters replied. “If I recall there’s a place which has good sandwiches, if anyone wants to eat, that is.”
“We can eat after our business is settled,” Juan said. “I think you’re talking about Pepper’s Place.”
“That’s the one,” Walters said. “We’ll follow you.”
“Okay.” As Juan turned away, Eoghan noticed how Edward’s gaze slid up and down Juan’s tall form, and he almost choked.
When he turned to look at Ari, his partner was staring at the two men with a surprised look on his face. Clearly, he’d noticed Edward’s glance as well.
Holy Crap. Eoghan couldn’t wait to get into the Charger where they could talk alone. He looked at the others. “We’ll follow you.”
They all walked out to the parking lot and separated, getting into their vehicles. Eoghan turned and put a finger to his lips when Ari opened his mouth and started talking. Werewolves had unbelievably good hearing and he really didn’t want to say anything when they could be overheard even ensconced within their vehicle. As soon as they’d all pulled out and the Charger was last in line following the other cars, Ari punched him on the arm.
Eoghan turned to him, laughing. “Ow!What?”
Ari was grinning widely. “Did you see Edward check Juan Garcia out?”
“Yeah, I saw that,” Eoghan agreed. “It makes me wonder if we’ve got the real reason for Edward’s refusal to marry Carmen right at all. Is it possible he’s gay and we’ve been all wrong about this?”
“Well, I think we’re about to find out,” Ari said as he pointed to the two vehicles in front of them pulling into parking spaces in front of a restaurant. They’d driven less thanthree blocks. It was painted bright red with white trim, and they looked like a cross between a large shipping container and an old-fashioned cable car. Outside, two seating areas were present, one with a covered canopy to keep it in shade and another with picnic tables set up in front where the sun would beat down during hot Nevada desert days. Since the picnic tables were unoccupied and the sun had gone down, that’s where they headed.
Eoghan watched Edward meet Juan’s eyes and the longing in both men was clear. Maybe, this was going to be easier than they’d thought. Then again, he had no idea how werewolves felt about gay men, especially when one had just taken over their pack as Alpha. Garcia was a strapping man and in wolf form, he was most likely big and strong. Eoghan didn’t know exactly how an Alpha became one or if there had to be a fight or a vote, but either way, if someone challenged Garcia, he’d have no choice but to meet the challenge any way he could. If Juan and he had to hide their desires for each other, it would be a terrible thing and if they gave into them, how long would it take before they were sniffed out? He didn’t think it would take very long at all and somehow, Eoghan didn’t think an Alpha would deny his mate whether he was gay or not. By definition, they were tough bastards.
“Well now, would anyone care to order somethin’ before we get this show on the road?” Washington drawled.
“I think we should get right to it,” Alvin said, turning to look at Juan Garcia. “First let me say to you both, I’m sorry about your grandfather. He and I were close friends once.”
“Thank you,” Juan said. He glanced around at the rest of them. “I’m also anxious to get started with this. I loved my grandfather, but I can’t say I agree with all his policies and we surely don’t want to keep Galen any longer than we have to.”
“You could just give him back and that would settle this whole thing,” Edward Walters said.
Juan looked at him and it was clear that the last thing he wanted to do was to fight with the only man there who had a vested interest in himnotmarrying his sister, Carmen. He bowed his head before looking back at him with a sincere, searching gaze. “You’re right and that is what I intend to do if we come out of all of this with a peaceful arrangement tonight.”
“What would that look like?” Eoghan asked. “I’m sure you have terms in mind. What can you offer Alpha Walters that would bring an end to this?”
“Garcia can offer me my grandson back and he can offer his sister Carmen to my oldest grandson as a wife,” Alvin said. “That’s what he can offer. I ain’t negotiating this all over again. I already had this conversation with your granddaddy, boy, and in our society with our laws, a conversation with a handshake betrothal holds just as much value as if you were already married.”
“As much as I admire Ms. Garcia, I’m afraid that’s entirely impossible, sir,” Edward said, speaking up for the first time.
“Because she’s carrying another man’s child?” Alvin bellowed, slamming his hand down on the table. “I told you that doesn’t matter, boy. You can adopt her child as long as the real father ain’t in the picture.”