Page 25 of Flesh and Fury
Carmen turned to look at her brother. “How did you know, Juan? We haven’t told anyone.”
Juan smiled fondly at her. “You’re my sister,preciosa. Of course, I knew who your boyfriend was. I can smell the baby in your womb, and I’ve known Tyler Vallejo since we were boys together. He’s not going to fight me and he’s not going to hurt you. I’m sure he just came here to make sure Alvin Walters doesn’t harm me or you.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Ari said. “Look.”
Eoghan watched the men walking toward them. They were pulling off jackets, tossing them to the ground as they began stripping.
“Get inside, Carmen!” Juan said, before pulling at his own jacket. “I will not argue!”
Eoghan reached for the gun he wore on his belt, swearing to himself as he realized all he and Ari had with them was the less lethal ammunition Wordy had given them. In the Charger across the parking lot, he had the backpack with the werewolf spray Wordy had craftily formulated just for them. But right now at least, they were helpless other than the ammunition they carried. It’d knock a werewolf off their feet, but they’d simply get right back up again. They were screwed in a fight and with six biker werewolves in between them and the car, they were in grave danger if they decided to attack. Once again terror rose in him, swift and scary.
Eoghan turned to find Edward staring at them. “Please, take Carmen inside where she’ll be safe.”
“Tyler won’t fight me,” Carmen said before turning to her boyfriend. “Tyler!” she shouted. “You and your boys, back off!”
The bikers were still coming, closing the distance, fifty feet away now. Stripping and tossing clothes as they walked.
“Please!” Juan said to Eoghan and Ari. The yellow around his irises flashed neon. “Take my sisterinside.”
Eoghan knew there was no way he was a match for Carmen if she got defiant and didn’t want to go inside. Werewolves were incredibly strong, even pregnant ones.
“I’m not going in there when you’re out here fighting my boyfriend!” Carmen yelled at her brother.
“Carmen!” Tyler yelled as he got closer. “Listen to your Alpha and go inside right now! You’re not fighting in your condition!”
By this time, Tyler had his shirt, off and Eoghan was staring at his broad chest and bulging gut. He looked terrifying and huge and everything he wished he never had to face again.
“Go!” he growled as he stepped out of his shoes and shed his pants, frighteningly quick.
“Fine.” Carmen whirled around and faced the humans, gesturing to the five of them to make haste. “This idiot and hisridiculousfriends have decided to settle our business by fighting. We all need to get inside, now.”
Eoghan exchanged a glance with Ari and nodded. With only a walk-up window, they bolted along with the other humans and the pregnant werewolf, charging for the side of the small restaurant where Eoghan had seen a door. Chastain got there first and raised his fist to pound on the door but it flew open before he got a chance. Two Hispanic employees dressed in dirty aprons and chef’s hats were standing there, gesturing for them to hurry.
“We’ve seen those bikers before,” one of them said in heavily accented English as they all stepped in. “Very bad men.”
When Eoghan realized that he could see everyone but Ari in the small building, he pivoted, horrified to see his partner standing outside holding the door open. “What are you doing? Get in here and lock the door!”
“I need to get our backpacks!” Ari said excitedly. “Give me the keys!” He looked back over his shoulder as Eoghan ran back to the open door.
“Get your ass in here!”
“They’re outnumbered two to one, Eoghan. Stay inside with the others. I’ll go around back. They won’t see me. Give me the fucking keys!”
“You’re insane.”
“Give him your car keys, son,” Washington growled. “If y’all have somethin’ that’ll even up this fight, he’s got to get it.”
“Thank you, sir,” Ari said. “Listen to him, Eoghan.”
“You’ll get yourself killed.” He felt paralyzed with fear for Ari.
“And we’re all dead if there’s a war,” Carmen said. “If Tyler and his thug friends kill my brother and Edward, they’ll rule the Hawthorne pack with an iron fist. We’ll have war forever and the I.S.R. will have no choice but to send every marshal for a thousand miles to cull both packs and wipe us all out.” Tears streamed down her face. “Tyler’s been furious ever since he found out my grandfather kidnapped Galen Walters. He didn’t know about the contract he made between my grandfather and Alvin. I never believed he’d go this far.”
“They’re right, Sapphire,” Washington said. “Now, give your partner thegoddamnedkeys and close thegoddamneddoor.”
Howls started outside the building, and Eoghan reluctantly complied, reaching into his pocket and handing the keys to Ari. He grabbed him by the arm as he started to shut the door. “I love you. Please be careful,” Eoghan whispered.