Page 51 of Flesh and Fury
Rana clapped him on the back, chuckling as they headed out into the parking lot and around to the back alley.
Chapter Sixteen
Ari wasn’t really sure his plan was going to work but if nothing else, when and if these cowboys decided to shift and fight over Binks the bartender, it’d be somewhere that no one would see it. He followed the three outside and around the back where a loading dock and several dumpsters took prominent place against the back of the building.
To his chagrin, the alleyway was well lit, the corporate owners probably hadn’t anticipated the need for their guests to want darkness when they shifted from humans to animals. Instinctively, Ari knew he wasn’t alone, and blew out a breath of relief when he turned the corner and spotted Eoghan and the other shifters following about thirty feet behind.
“Binks!” Ari called out, knowing it was probably stupid to have gotten in the middle of something back there in the restaurant. Yet knowing as Eoghan and the others no doubt did, that leaving them there to transform into cats, would have been risky if the argument had escalated.
“Go away! I’m fine!” Binks said, turning to look at him with wide eyes, glowing bright shifter purple in the darkness. The two shifters in cowboy hats stood between Ari and the bartender and they both turned back to stare at him, hostility on prominent display as they flashed their own purple eyes at him. If he’d been any other human and he’d seen that, he would have turned tail and run far and wide just to get awayfrom the terrifying creatures. When he simply smiled at them, the surprise on both their faces couldn’t be missed.
“You’re not going to shift back here in plain view of humans are you?” Ari asked, raising his voice so even Binks could hear him from a distance. Then again, he was a shifter, so he probably could have whispered it and still been heard. He held up his badge, knowing they could read it in the dark. “I’m a U.S. Marshal, part of the I.S.R. I know you know what that is, right?”
“Interspecies relations or something like that,” the cowboy who’d come with Chris said.
“Shut up, Roy,” Chris hissed. “Since when do the shifter police come around with a whole posse of other shifters bothering law abiding folks?”
“First of all, we aren’t police, we’re marshals,” Eoghan said, coming up with the others to stand beside Ari. “And it looked like you two were about to start a fight back there in the bar. We just wanted to make sure that didn’t happen inside around people.”
“We know that’s against our pact with the Agency, Marshal,” Binks said.
“Are you being threatened by these two shifters?” Ari asked, noticing how Binks hadn’t answered the question. “We can make sure they disperse and leave you alone. There are laws on the books about stalking, you know, even here in Colorado.”
“Who says we were stalking this kitty?” the cowboy Roy asked, sounding sarcastic.
“You shut up, Roy!” Binks screamed. “You’re the one who started this whole thing. Chris and I were happy before you started sniffing around his tail.”
“If you didn’t come prancing around other shifters, showing us how hot your little hole is, practically begging it tobe filled by a real tomcat, everyone would have left you alone,” Roy said.
“You take that back, Roy!” Binks screamed. “All I ever wanted was to be sexy for my boyfriend. Is it my fault a bunch of other shifters thought they could pressure us into threesomes with them?”
Roy laughed. “Who did I walk into the bar with, Binks? Your own boyfriend wants the three of us to give it a go. The only reason I slept with him was so that you’d smell me on him and want the same thing. Now, come on little pussy, let your Tom daddy fill that tight little hole.” The second he finished speaking, he shifted into a very large orange tomcat, similar to what Garfield the fat cat would look like if he were a shifter and not a cartoon.
Binks turned to look at Chris. Ari could see tears in his big, purple eyes. “It’s not true, right, babe? You didn’t let him sleep with you because you thought I’d somehow want you more?”
Chris shrugged. “Honestly, pet, I didn’t want to sleep with Roy, but I let him wear me down. He came to me and told me how hot you made him and we jacked off while we talked about you.”
“That’s how it started? You j-jacked off with him?” Binks stammered.
Chris stared at the ground, shuffling his feet for a couple of minutes before looking up. “A few times but I swear we only talked about you and how hot it would be to have you suck us both off and then how we’d both fuck you together, maybe double penetrate your tight ass, like that. I still think it’s hot.”
Binks let the tears fall as the big, orange tabby paced in the space between both men. “You’d touch his dick with yours while screwing me just like that?”
Chris nodded emphatically. “Babe, you’re so fucking hot. Just think of how it’d feel with both our cocks in you.”
Someone cleared their throat and they all turned to look at Alo who was standing there shuffling his feet back and forth, looking extremely uncomfortable beside Joe who was grimacing. Apparently, gay threesome cat sex wasn’t of supreme interest to either man. And as much as it shouldn’t be of interest to Ari, he was soaking up the conversation which wasn’t typical in the normal line of duty for I.S.R. marshals.
Alo made a circular move it along motion with his hand. “Can we please dispense with all the double penetration images? It’s making me feel funny.”
“What’s your problem, man?” Roy asked. “Are we making you uncomfortable with our talk of daddy sex?”
“No. You’re just making me feel bowlegged,” Alo said. “I’m never going to be able to go on a normal date again.”
“Do you have a problem with gay men or the way we fuck?” the cowboy Chris asked with an angry growl.
“Not at all, man. I just don’t want to picture two cat dicks the next time I fuck a chick.”