Page 37 of Nightcrawler
“Well, how did you plan on approaching him or didn’t your planning get that far?” Thayne asked.
Miguel nodded and I felt relieved that we were sitting down with these capable men. At least they could give him their input and hopefully impress upon him that going it alone on this takedown was crazy. I wanted to be a backup for him, but I just wasn’t sure I could do a great job at it, hurt like I was…regardless of what I’d told him. I couldn’t let my pride get in the way of additional help and it was abundantly clear that Miguel hadn’t had the time to actually come up with much of a plan.
“I thought I’d approach the foreman and get all the particulars on him before doing anything else,” Miguel said. “Someone leaked his location to Jamie anonymously and if I had to guess, it was him. If he’s bullying other guys on the docks or somehow threatened him, that makes sense.”
“Then that’s what you’ve gotta do,” Jarrett said. He reached over and circled Miguel’s bicep. “But you’ve also gotta promise to call us as soon as you’ve got the lowdown, brother.” He stared at Miguel until he finally nodded.
I felt warmth toward my friend as he talked to Miguel. Jarrett had either noticed the Marine Corps tat on Miguel’s left bicep and correctly identified him as being a part of their brotherhood, or he knew of him from previous dealings with Cass and Mike. Either way, it had worked out and I was glad for it.
“Okay, Evans. I promise I’ll do that.”
Jarrett dropped his hand as he nodded. “Good.”
“Let me run his particulars and talk to his parole officer,” Cassidy said. “I have a feeling there’s more that we missed about this Howell guy.”
Miguel shook his head. “You don’t know my boss, Jamie. He’s really good and he doesn’t leave any stone unturned when doing background on a fugitive.”
“He sure as fuck missed the fact that Passantino had a gun, Miguel,” I said.
He turned to look at me with a contemplative look on his face. Eventually, he nodded. “Yeah, you got me there, Raven.” He looked at Cassidy and Jarrett and then at the others. “Go ahead and make your inquiries, Cassidy. I’m really grateful Raven called you…all of you.”
“I am too,” Cassidy replied. “For now, though, promise me you won’t do anything about this Howell guy until Mike and I have time to check him out a little more.”
I watched Miguel’s face change. He smiled, actually smiled. “Like I said, Cass, I am very grateful for you.” He looked at the others. “Thank you again. I don’t know how long he’s going to stay put down there at the docks, though. I think we should move fast on this.”
Jarrett clapped him on his big shoulder. “What say we all hang tight until you can talk to that foreman, then you call us in when you’re ready?”
“I think that’d work,” Miguel said.
“Mike and I should back you up when you go to talk to the foreman. Should we meet you at the docks in the morning?” Cassidy said. “An LAPD detective’s badge might not be the same as a Long Beach PD’s badge, but he may not even realize the difference.”
Miguel looked across the table at me before glancing back at Cassidy and nodding. “I doubt I can keep Raven from joining us no matter what I say.”
“You can’t,” I interrupted.
He glanced at me. “As I thought. Anyway, what say he and I meet you at the Brentwood station first thing? We can go over what you’ve learned from Howell’s parole officer, and if it’s a go, we’ll call Evans and Wolfe and hit the docks afterward.” He glanced at Jarrett. “And your big friend Mac Mac Mac.”
Jarrett grinned widely, nodding.
“Good,” Cassidy said with a smile. “We’ll see you then.”
Everyone grunted their approval as they nodded, and I felt relieved for the first time since finding out about his plans for this incredibly dangerous bounty.
Chapter Thirteen
After we split the check, we all walked out of Mel’s, headed to our vehicles. I knew I had to get home to Stanley, but Raven had dark circles under his eyes, and I had the overwhelming urge to see that he got home safely. We waved as everyone drove out of the lot. When I turned to look at Raven, he was smiling at me.
He’d had a shave this morning and his square jaw stood out strongly with those blue eyes twinkling, crinkling at the corners along with his smile. He looked like one of those fierce Native American warriors ready to go into battle. My heart did that flip-flop thing as I imagined how he’d look, stripped down and rolling in satin sheets like those guys I read about in books. He stepped close to me, circling my waist with both hands, and bringing his body close to mine. I could feel the heat coming off him and once again, I realized how badly I wanted him.
“Come home with me, Miguel,” he said, softly, laying the palm of his hand on my chest. “Have some dinner with me.”
“I’m gonna see to it that you get home but then I have to check on Stanley, make sure he has enough food, Raven.”
He smiled. “You’re so sweet, Miguel.” He looked into my eyes. “Why don’t you go home and bring him back with you? My nana loves animals, and I bet she’d adore Stanley. That way—” He licked his lips. “Maybe you can stay over.”
“Sleep at your house?” I wasn’t sure what he was saying. If he was talking about sleeping, that was one thing but if he wastalking about something more, I wasn’t even sure what to say about that. Besides, he was in no condition to be rolling around in the sheets with anyone.