Page 12 of Kyle
Prez plops in the leather chair in front of the desk and flips through the file.
I study the bookcase and all the law books and odd bookends and knickknacks, thinking about how I never really knew the guy.
Cole holds the folder up. “Can I take this?”
“Of course. Do you really think that’s the key?”
“I don’t know. You said there was no money missing, and he wasn’t killed here, so I’m thinking whoever did it lured him out for a meeting. Unless there was a new client you don’t know about, I’m thinking we start with this guy.” He studies her. “Anything else you can think of?”
“No.” She pauses. “Just the trip to Las Vegas the week before he died.”
“And you think it’s connected to this case? You said as much at the club.”
“Yes, but he never told me all the details.”
Cole lifts a brow. “I’m guessing his murder had nothing to do with the wife-beater or the car thief. Sounds like it was either this case or a new client. He didn’t tell you more? Seems odd. You worked with him.”
“I was busy that week. Our daughter is getting married.” She looks forlornly to the floor. “And now she’ll have no one to walk her down the aisle.”
Cole frowns, and we all shift on our feet.
“I’m sorry about Harry, Jos. I’ll do what I can. Can you get his phone records from the company you use?”
She nods. “Of course.”
“It’d be helpful if you mark which numbers you recognize and who they belong to.”
“I’ll do it today.”
“The day he went missing… What happened?”
“We were both in the office. I was consumed with wedding plans. There was a meeting with the caterer that afternoon. When I left the office, he was still here, working at his desk.”
“So, I’m thinking he got a call that lured him away.”
She searches our prez’s eyes. “I’ll get the phone records.”
Cole holds up the file. “We’ll talk to Mr. Machado.”
She steps closer to Cole and takes his hand. “I really appreciate your help. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Cole.”
“I can’t promise anything, Jos.”
“I understand.”
Prez pulls his hand free. “Call me when you get the phone records.”
We head out the door, and she stays behind.
Cole looks back. “Lock the door after us.”
She frowns. “You think I’m in danger?”
“Until we figure this out, it’s best to be cautious. Whoever did this might come here looking for something. We just don’t know.”
“I’ll be careful.”
We head to the elevator and ride down. Walking out, Chad the doorman gives us a wide-eyed stare.