Page 31 of Kyle
“Do you want me to run it tonight?”
“Alone? No way.”
“It’s not safe. I don’t want you out here by yourself. What if somebody tried to rob you?”
“You really are a glass half empty guy.”
“Looking out for you doesn’t mean… You know what? Just forget it.”
“Do you not trust me to run it?”
“I’m sure you could. For me, it’s the safety issue, that’s all.”
“Well, I guess it’s nice to know you think I’m capable.”
“Of course you’re capable. Why would you think otherwise?”
She shrugs and won’t look at me.
“Sutton, what’s wrong?”
“You want the truth?”
“It would be nice, yeah.”
“Maybe… maybe I don’t like the thought of you going out on this date.”
My chin pulls to the side. “Why?”
She shrugs again.
“You’re living with Rafe, Sutton.”
“I know who I’m living with, Kyle.”
“Then I guess you have no business commenting on my dating life.”
“I guess I don’t.”
“But it bothers you?”
“What if she’s a nut-bag?
I huff a laugh. She’s adorable. “A what?”
“What if she’s a crazy lunatic?”
“Why would she be a crazy lunatic?”
“Maybe she’s got twenty snakes at home or a tarantula. Ever think about that? What if she eats soap or chews with her mouth open? What if she keeps bees in her backyard? She might even be a hoarder.” Her eyes widen. “What if she’s a prepper?”
“Did you get too much sun today? Because the only one sounding like a lunatic is you.”
“I’m just looking out for you. Isn’t that what we do for each other?”