Page 39 of Kyle
Cole drains his whiskey glass. “We’ll head home in the morning. I’m calling Church the minute we get back. We’ll talk about it there.”
The older members are pissed. It’s clear on their faces they think retaliation is insane. I exchange a glance with the rest of us younger guys. They look shell-shocked and apprehensive, but if Cole gives the order, every one of us will head to our bikes and climb on like obedient soldiers.
“Let’s play a game of pool,” TJ suggests.
I follow, dreading what’s coming and ruing the day Harry Silver’s widow pulled onto our clubhouse ground.
When we return to our clubhouse, the ol’ ladies are waiting.
I climb from my bike slowly, stretching my aching muscles. The tiredness goes to my bones, but a little shot of adrenaline hits my veins when I spot Sutton in the crowd.
Our eyes lock, and she gives me a little wave.
God, I want to run to her and sweep her in my arms, but she’s not my girl.
My brother reiterates that thought by doing what I long to do. He twirls her around, then sets her down and gives her ass a swat. His arm hooks around her shoulders, and he steers her inside.
I hang back and light a smoke, in no rush.
My father stops beside me as the crowd thins, everyone else heading through the door.
“How are you doing, son?”
He grins. “Can I bum a smoke?”
I shake one out for him, then flick my lighter, and he dips his head. Once it’s lit, he blows smoke toward the sky.
“We having Church now?” I ask.
“God, I hope not. I want to get home. I’m exhausted.”
“What do you think Prez is going to do about this whole Santorini situation?”
“I don’t know. I hope he comes to his senses. I sure don’t want a war with the mob.”
Just the thought that one wrong move and that’s where this thing could go is chilling. “Something like that starts, I don’t think there’ll be any way to stop it.”
Wolf stares at the horizon. “It’d be like a runaway freight train, barreling toward the station.”
“Dad?” I meet my father’s eyes. “You’ve got to talk him out of this.”
“I know. Crash and Red Dog are in there right now, trying to make him see it would be insane to go down this road.”
“You think they can do it?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never seen Cole back down when it comes to someone fucking with the club.”
“It’s not just us, Dad. This would drag every chapter in the country into this war. Over what? A two-bit lawyer we didn’t even like much?”
“It’s more than that. It’s disrespecting the MC. Our territory.”
“I think the mob thinks Vegas istheirterritory. I think they think it’s been theirs since the forties.”