Page 4 of Kyle
“No, Wolf. She said he’d found out about some airstrip out there. He was following leads, and it took him out to Las Vegas the week before he died. Before he left, he told her he’d figured it all out, and he was going to stop those sons-of-bitches.”
When Crash stops talking, I glance around the room.
Shane leans in his chair. “So, we’re gonna become private detectives now or some shit?”
“I’m doing it as a favor to a grieving widow. That, and I’d like to know what the hell’s going on in our own fucking backyard,” Cole bites out.
“That’s just it, prez. It’s seventy miles away. That’s hardly our backyard,” Green says.
“Close enough,” Cole snaps with a lifted brow.
Crash grins. “Plus the lady’s payin’ us.”
That gets everyone’s attention, and men lean forward.
“How much?” Jake asks.
“Two-hundred grand,” Cole replies.
Reckless whistles. “We split it equal?”
Cole nods. “Fourteen and some change each.”
“I’m in,” Green says, grinning.
Cole puts his elbows on the table. “We’ll need to do some research. I really want to go over a map of that area where they found him, and that almond grower, and construction company. Plus, I’d like to locate that airstrip. She’s going to bring by his case files later.”
“That Las Vegas trip worries me,” Reckless muses. “I mean, I know they say there’s no mob in Vegas anymore, but there’s a ton of money, and men who deal with tons of money do whatever they have to do to protect it.”
“Agreed. We’re gonna take our time with this. I don’t want to drag the club into the middle of something that can get us killed.” Cole looks around the table. “Officers, we’ll get into it more tomorrow.” He slams the gavel down. “Meeting adjourned.”
We walk out, and I grab another beer at the bar. The ol’ ladies are playing pool, and I like seeing they’ve taken Sutton into their group, welcoming her like I knew they would. This club has a great bunch of ol’ ladies, and it’s growing every day.
Resuming my perch on my barstool, I see my brother approach the pool table and sling his arm around Sutton, leaning to give her a peck on the lips.
Billy, TJ, and Marcus follow me to the bar.
“We’re all taking a ride down to Joey’s. You comin’?” Billy asks.
I shake my head, noticing Sutton and the rest of the women slipping on their leather jackets. “Nah. Think I’ll stay here.”
TJ puts an arm around my neck and pulls me off my stool in a headlock. “Wrong answer, grasshopper. You’re goin’.”
They drag me to my motorcycle, and everyone mounts up. Strapping on my helmet, I watch Rafe throw his leg over his bike. Sutton looks hot as hell in a tight leather jacket that fits her like a glove. She gets on behind him and wraps her arms around my brother. He reaches back to pat her thigh, and I turn away, my jaw tightening.
I’m going to have to watch her and my brother all night. Fucking hell. Tapping the heel of my boot to my kickstand, I slip on my shades, already planning to cut out early.
Riding in a pack is like nothing I’ve ever experienced, especially when it's with a club like the Evil Dead. They ride in tight formation, weaving in and out of traffic and changing lanes like a fine-tuned machine. It’s something I’m sure only extremely skilled riders can manage.
It feels formidable. Thrilling. I don’t even know how to describe it, except that I love it.
I find Kyle in the row behind us. His head moves slightly in my direction when he catches me looking. His eyes are hidden behind his shades, and the sinking sun reflects off them. He looks so badass on his bike, commanding it easily.
The first time I laid eyes on him, I was attracted to him, but it was his brother who hit on me. Kyle had heat in his eyes when he smiled, but he backed off the moment Rafe made a move.