Page 46 of Kyle
“Your girl’s, dumbass,” I rib him.
“Oh.” He holds his cup up. “Great idea, babe. Yay.”
Sutton rolls her eyes and turns her attention to me. “How long do you think it’ll take us?”
“It’s just under an hour ride to get up there.”
“Where’s TJ and Gigi?” Billy asks, walking over with Melissa, holding hands like they’re high-school sweethearts.
I slip my phone from my pocket. “I don’t know. Let me call him.” A moment later, I’ve got him on speaker. “Where are you, brother?”
“In bed. Gettin’ my dick sucked. Why?”
I laugh, my eyes on the horizon. “We’re all assembled in the clubhouse parking lot, ready to head out.”
“Shit. I forgot.” Then a muffled, “Babe, hurry up.”
Cole walks up, his arm around Angel. “Where’s TJ?”
“You better haul ass down here, TJ. Prez wants to know where you are,” I add.
He hangs up, and I grin at Cole. “He’s comin’.”
“Literally.” Billy smirks, and Melissa whacks his arm.
Cole’s eyes shift between us. “He’s got ten minutes, then we’re leavin’ without him.”
“Aw, come on, Daddy,” Melissa pleads. “You wouldn’t leave your daughter-in-law behind, would you?”
He sighs. “Fine. But they better hurry.” He and Angel head inside.
“He loves Gigi,” Melissa says.
“There’s Wolf and Crystal.” Billy lifts his chin, and I turn toward my mother and father, pulling in, Green and Sara behind them.
“And there are your parents,” I reply as Red Dog and Mary bring up the rear.
My eyes shift to Sutton, and she smiles at me. I have to settle for that. I’m learning to live off whatever time I can spend near her, knowing it’s all I’ll ever have from this girl. Just a meeting of the eyes and a smile. It has to be enough.
I’m the odd man out today—the only one without a woman riding bitch. It’s never bothered me before, but today it does. I know it’s going to be hard to keep my eyes off Sutton.
Soon TJ and Gigi arrive, and we pull out in formation. Since I’m solo, I take the rear. I find Rafe and Sutton two rows ahead, her chin resting on his shoulder. He reaches back and strokes her thigh. Looking away, my jaw tightens.
An hour later, we park our bikes in a lot near the beach and walk over. Several of the girls have brought blankets to spread out in the sand, and they shimmy out of their jeans and shirts until they’re down to their bikinis. Someone brought a frisbee, and soon they’ve got a game going.
I strip my boots and shirt and join in. I prefer that to watching Rafe rub sunscreen on Sutton’s smooth skin.
When the sun gets too hot, we wade into the waves.
An hour later, Green emits a sharp whistle and motions with his arm, then cups his hands around his mouth. “Margarita time. Let’s go.”
We make our way to the taco place on the beach and sit out on the deck overlooking the ocean.
Rafe is slow in coming out with his and Sutton’s drinks, and she sits next to me, saving the chair on her other side for my brother.
Green sips on a frozen mango margarita, then looks over at Cole. “Why don’t we have one of these machines at the clubhouse? We could have frozen margaritas whenever we want.”
“You feel free to buy us one, Green.”